just to let you all know for those who didn't already...i got accepted into NUS FASS and Smu fac of scoial sciences. If only i can find their letters of acceptances. Which i can't. Not yet anyway. And i've been at it for like what 3 hours plus already *update" I found my SMU one!!! Yes i now have a university to go to! I roxxxx....
*double update* it doesn't really say much does it? i could have just gone online and clicked the acceptance box. For what fuck did i spent 3 hours of my blissful off day doing ?!?! now on to the nus letter....
In case your wondering why i'm not updating much well its cos i dun want to bore ppl with details like i how i dismantled the camshaft and changed the fan belt and inspected the oil level of my D6C bulldozer :) which i love btw. Cos its big and fat and makes manly noises. And theres nothing like being in a seat of 3 ton(?) vehicle and just gunning the engine from the start go which makes u feel like a big fuck.
i spent my childhood playing maksak masak with cabbage patch and ghost buster dolls(u know the white fluffy puffy one) and carebears, a byproduct no doubt of a mother who still refers to my undies as "panties". And refers to me as "her' and "she". So now i feel like the little kid in baby blues. reclaiming that small privilege which i lost.
Still since most of the tasks i do are so mundane and so easy most of the time i just listen to ppl tok cok. Abt having sex with multiple partners, abt going fishing on mambo night, abt losing your virginity to an older experienced girl, abt preying on church girls, abt being cheated on by a christian, abt fighting smoking, abt getting into fights stuff which i wouldn't have heard abt otherwise in my
uchi. Uchi refers to a persons ingroup, be it school company family friends which one feels a belonging to. I would say i have been relatively sheltered...but years of being exposed to american and japanesese culture have dulled the impact somewhat.
Sometimes ppl say that i'm very "open-minded" . or that i'm not very err herm "innocent". Whatever. They just don't know a thing abt the outside world...umm where was i? oh yeah my uni acceptance. i STILL CAN"T FIND IT!!! grrrr....i feel like whiping somebody.