Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Got posted to 3rd transport batallion(?sp), a stay in unit and supposedly the best logistic unit around. Now in army terms that means lots of overtime, and working you to the ground to squeeze out every ounce of productivity they can get from your teeny tiny body. Still waiting for confirmation on thursday, friday is platoon cohesion day and the following monday its off to the new workplace. You really have to admire how fast the army shifts ppl around, even if said ppl have nothing better to do except sit arnd and do saikang while waiting for training to start.

Aniwae after doing a lot of thinking i kinda dun mind staying in afterall. Hey it saves money, and i dun have to waste time on transport. besides i find myself doing nothing nowadays except firing up the ol xbox and wasting time on worms world party (anyone up for a game?). I'm really the worst person to ever deserve to stay out.

But i'll really miss my OETI mates. They are a handful to instructors but they're a really nice bunch of ppl to hang out with. We sleep in locker rooms, we jaywalk all over the place, like to make fun of each other, and just generally beat each other up. As compared to BMT where your constantly under pressure, unduly stressed, tired and f**cked up, OETI is truly heavenly. BMT brought out the worst in ppl esp me, i screamed at ppl, quarelled with my bunk buddy and just flat out ignored the ppl who needed help the most, just because they were irritating. And i truly regret wat i did. Now i have only 2 oeti mates coming with me to 3rd transport :(

Oh and i'd like to thank qiuyu and muifong and laura for buying me cake and swensens ice cream to celebrate my birthday. Very nice of them, especially for something that wasn't preplanned. And i'm still waiting for that "Get Fuzzy" book...


Anonymous said...

I'm getting bored with bt aniwae...too many stuff to dl

Anonymous said...

your blog makes for enjoyable reading.. esp now tt im so free.. and u did get the 'get fuzzy' book in the end. ps: no need to comment.. i prolly won't pass by this again.