Saturday, December 02, 2006

2nd entry made at the same time but now with more fruitiness!

So i have been doing my fair bit of surfing...not at work cos i haven't figured out how to hack net access yet, and have added a few links.

laura: i have no idea what shes rambling about...but umm..more power anyways?

people who are overseas: you have to realise that we poor lot in singapore..have no tools at our discretion to imagine the experiences your describing. which is why photos are nice yes. nudity is always a bonus. and theres a thing called youtube now, no?

sigh seriously though why do i even bother

digg: this is a website when people submit stories....and viewers vote whether they like it or not.

Typically the stories that get the most "diggs" are listed here in order of popularity : Celebrity Sex Videos/Nude Shots, Any News About PS3/XBOX360/WII (it attracts the fanboys), US POLITICS, Some Technological Marvel"

Best thing about this website- its good for a 10 min dose of entertainment... its updated by the min but usually viewers will already have filter out the junk each day..leaving you with 10 mins of pure ROFLific laughter. Its at least a bookmark, if not a daily visit.

Jon-Stewart: Funniest guy on american tv now. His gig "The Daily Show" pokes fun at the absurdities of the american politcal system and for now at least the war in iraq. he has archives of the past week show and sometimes i search the archives in youtube for more. His humour is usualy of the deadpan sarcasm variety- the sort i love, but sometimes when the pickings are slim, he resorts to frat boy sexist jokes. Still funny if you take it at face level for what is.

One of his gems:

Leader of the evangelical network of america resigns as he admits to sex with gay and trying drugs: "You know you have sunk to a new low...when you lose the moral high ground... to the gay drug-dealing hooker" Priceless

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