Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
I know i'm a little way behind the rest of the developed world...hey i couldn't download much with stupid WoW running in the background okay.
Is it sick of me to find this film thats based on a slideshow on climate change..the most touching film i have seen in the past year? there's something wrong right?
and yet i couldn't help but feel for this man who spent the better part of his life on a one man crusade to save the environment by giving the same presentation a thousand times over...this ex vice-president who lost his one good chance to steer the world clear of disaster when he lost to the hick that is the current U.S president..i mean this film is really really sad
Also watched "Borat". which quite frankly was a little dissapointing. Now this "borat" fella.. his modus operandi (sp?) is to appear as a boorish and crude foreign reporter, goad his unsuspecting "interviewee" into making comments that they wouldn't have said in any other circumstance. thus revealing their true bigoted/racist/prejudiced self. At least thats what he does on the Ali G show...
but in this film...the majority of reactions are well...normal. I mean the people on this film handled it pretty well. most of the humour comes from sascha acting like a dick. which quite frankly makes it no different from any film starring jack black. Except its supposedly "real". (some scenes were staged) i mean come on america is the land of white supremacists, religious fanatics, scientologists and bush ...and all the best you could do was interview drunk frat boys and feminists? And they couldn't even say anything funny...
Its still worth a watch. Not worth money though ..not at that length..
Stil have A Scanner Darkly and March of the Penguins. hmm .. *glomps*
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
saw Her there. She still hasn't realised that shes actually secretly deeply in love with me. I'm getting impatient... *tap* *tap* Secondary school...sigh ..fun stuff. Miss it sometimes.
hmm lots of time to plan for my 21st birthday
some short and fat woman grinded me with her fat boobs on the bus today. go away fat people i don't like yous all.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

The next photo is after 1 min of editing.

How to do this trick? You start off with a picture in photoshop, duplicate the background layer.
On this 2nd layer you apply a gaussian blur. The amount that needs to be applied relies on the amount of detail. ideally it should be around 10-20. Any more and the effect becomes overly magnified.You should still be able make out the general outline of the object. Go to blending options on the second layer and select overlay. voila.
Other generally good modes to try out include solf light. Which replicates the mood of a 90's soap drama. Like Days Of Our Lifes or something. Hard light is well..harsh. Vivid light gives the feel of an acid trip. So in my opinion overlay is stil best :)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Hmm this warrants a closer shot.....you can just make out something...

Hmm almost there just needs a bit of fine-tuning....the edges need to be sharpened a bit, clear off abit of the grain...

IS THAT YOU JESUS?????????????????????????????????????????????
Beh. I need a job that doesn't make me feel like i'm geting butt-raped each day
And the HAIR is giving me problems it won't grow as i tell it to. It gets in my ears pokes my eye...just be patient a while longer my preciousss.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
End of an era

It was only a question of when i was gonna quit..i had planned on quitting when uni started, but having to buy the new expansion, and train to lvl 70 again to experience "end-game again"...just didnt' make sense to me.
Why i loved the game
I picked up the game at a low point in my life. I had already resigned myself to seeing my 2 years of army life as a craptacular waste of time. Silly i know. Many people have done a lot more with much lesser. I wasn't that kinda person though. So i thought i could fill it up with something fun.
And fun it was. Much has been said about how addictive the game is, i guess i don't need to elaborate further. Morever I had the joy of being inducted in a guild with clearly defined goals, a clear sense of direction of where it was headed and a great group of people to play with. I was made the druid honcho, they didn't have a choice really LOL. Quickly we became the horde side PVP guild to beat all the way to level 60...but then being one of the younger and more outgeared guilds we switched quickly to PVE. We surpassed guilds that had been there for far longer..and in the long run we proved that we were the strongest guild to emerge, sticking together relatively drama free while other guilds crashed/burned/merged. And we did it while having fun. But all that accomplisment came at a price.

Why i'm quitting.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Then he spontaneously reaches out to stroke a furry pink cat sewn on my blouse
and exclaims in sing-song, dulcet tones which have a hint of a British accent
about them: 'Oh, you've got a little kitty, how cute!'
The two-hour
interview with him is a somewhat bizarre combination of making small talk with a
gracious society hostess over tea, swapping gossip with a girlfriend and
attending like an office-girl to a snobby boss.
The last comes about
when, at one point during our chat, he asks dramatically - like a woman fighting
back collapse - for water because 'Oh, Clah-rah, I'm so very thirsty'.
- guess who. An absolute 10 on the gaydar meter! A true example of nuture vs nature...poor kid read Chinese fashion novels and his mother's Her World magazines. HER WORLD!!!
to the person who should know who you are and the slightest remotest chance you read this:
Stop throwing a hissy fit. Your 20 for goodness sakes act like it (21 for all i know)...
i read the chat logs you were wrong you misunderstood
how dare you come around and cast aspersions on us
maybe thats how you managed to piss people off...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Managed to watch 10 episodes of prison break...was pretty good. thought the main actor was a bit retarded. Until they revealed that the character had a disorder : Low Latent Inhibition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latent_inhibition. Which sorta make him psycho in a creative genius kinda way. Which makes the actor really really good..
I'm also locking myself up at home now for my own good.
Monday, January 08, 2007
My enthusiasm for outings has now waned. They aren't a good way at all of nurturing relationships. They are good for making sure you don't forget the other persons faces. And they drain money. Sometimes though when the other persons spends a good part of the time overseas its all you can do i guess.
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication it's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
Hm shouldn't it be the other way around??
Sunday, January 07, 2007
So from top: Jr, TK Me, Ame Becky and Yiling went to the hip district of Arab Street. Which in reality is just another tourist trap. Along the way though we spotted this purple colored building with a matching purple colored van! Groovy.. had bryani for lunch and played Munchkin! after at MOS while drinking milk, milk tea and milkshakes. Hey if the place doesn't deliver make your own entertainment right?
Eh second picture is that of a marina bay bbq/steamboat with ORD personnel. They are all also very very gay.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
something happened after that left an unplesant aftertaste. even if i did aggravate it. but i guess its just the way i'm wired to behave. the matter got bured so thats it i guess..
So thursday was my work place's dinner and dance which basically translates to a buffett dinner lots of oldie music and absolutely no dancing watsoever. yes there were performances and a lucky draw...but i didn't win anything so it sucked.
Monday, January 01, 2007
This is the scandalous picture
the madness started on christmas eve, spent it with hc revat and laura ....their appearances have all changed so much cept laura, wats funny is that on the flip side revat and hc's personalites seem the same, while laura's seems to have deviated? can't find the right word
anyway went tcc nice milkshake.. went lau pa sat for food, went to a morrocan pub with indian music and had a drink , walked a fair bit, ended up the night on the beach talking.
christmas day spent lazing around emo-ing, then hopped off to see death note 2. Like the ending better than the manga, would have been worth the money if the projectionist didn't screw up and reeled in the wrong part of the film, we ended up watching the climax b4 the build up, luckily the ending was left intact.
took half day off on 26th, went to celb thongs with becky and ame birthday.. had a nice japanese lunch..
wednesday was the only free day i had....and the internet had to be down! i have this habit of opening digg and selecting links to open tabs with... and after the 15th or so tab i realised something was very wrong, wat a waste of a good day..
oops gotta run brb tmr.