For what its worth...its still just a company looking to make the bottom line work.
It worries when theres a less than capacity crowd. It worries when new clubs open.
It struggles to find employment. It loses people on a daily basis and has to resort to recruiting noobs like me.
Its not a very fun place to work. When the crowd is thin...you breathe a sigh of relief..cos all you have to do is pick up after the stoners. You get to take a good look at the pretty people.
But when things get rough as they tend to do sometimes...things can get screwy.
One of those days was yesterday. voided two receipts..gave the bottle card back to the customer. very sad.
FNB doesn't come to me naturally. I'm the kinda guy who sees a candle nearly going out..blows the old one out...takes out a new candle..realises hes should have lit the new one with the flame of the old one...lits the new one anyway...and then proceeds to do the same thing at the next table. Now why can't the neurological pathways that do that run along the same ones that allow me to analyse overarching concepts with exacting detail.
Bah i think i just need practice.
Sometimes the people make it worthwhile. There were these 2 girls who appeared while i was doing baggage. Lights were very bright..could see they were def very pretty. Started talking to each other in a language i couldn't understand...but i caught jap like syllables. "nihon-jin?" i ventured. "Nono..korean." "<...>Arrasou" Heart skipped a beat. Made my day hmmm..baggage and korean girls..def one of the better days.
Will talk about the people someday. Save it for a rainy day. Too many to talk about. Since i'm already on the topic of beautiful girls though...
Its a rare one that makes you look twice once your inside. The smoke and fog, the darkness..everyone looks pretty much the same. Once in a blue moon though.. a girl walks by that catches all the guys attention. tall..model type, conventionally pretty. Looks like no one can touch her...(by the end of the evening though usually a lot do). Why do i make special mention of them even though they are so conventionally beautiful? Cos its one thing to see them on tv..its another thing to see them in person. And i can honestly say in my limited experience..i have never seen them such upclose before. They must keep them in some warehouse during the day.