Thursday, November 25, 2004

First time in eons that i'm updating my blog...abd blogger crashes. Figures.

Aniwae bio was a blur finshed early and went to take a toilet break b4 stoning for like another 10 mins abt halo2.

After it ended i went roaming around bedok for a while with the class guys. Apparently the Rome Total War (pirated call the police! ) that Yx bought was we went to exchange. No dice. Shop closed. So i ended up making my way to expo instead for sitex. Bloody guards wouldn't let ppl in b4 11. I was rewarded however by the sight of 2 models trying to pad their *ahem* costumes. yay free show anyday is a good day.

Came back to parkway just in time for k-box with the guys and cheryl. Wasn't too bad...i think my pitch was somewhat there but i seriously lack depth... I sound like a squeaky mouse. And i ended up fibbing most of my lines cos of the fan ti zhi, and that earned me my first singing compliment . " You sound like jay chou". har har.

And finally came home to my sweet, sweet halo 2. Daddy's waiting for you come to daddy *hearts*. goodbye sleep and food and rest and baths ... going to school for the last time prob to play risk...hmm shld i bring my xbox along?

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