Saturday, December 02, 2006

having mixed feelings about my work...started off really slack and boring but thankfully they have scaled it up for me. and i'm sticking to all lower caps for now....more on that later

for the first one week i was just inputing company name and registration numbers into one excel file, for 8 hours a day. managed to rack up at least 400 entries a day.....they weren't kidding when they said data entry. came across some funny names too... one of them starts with " **** hong kong wife cake" i was like "dude wtf". Another company was called "kaki nang pte ltd". and then there are so many derivatives of " " that after a while they just all merged and i was operating on autopilot (a damm good one at that). So if you wanna start a company, ditch the family pride and stick to monosyllables. Or dialect variants. For the good of all data entry clerks worldwide. and another thing i hate caps. yea sure having to upper case the first alphabet of a sentence is fine and dandy, but not when you have to uppercase the first alphabet of every word. can't count the number of times i had to delete an entire word and input it again just cos i forgot to caps. lowercase all the way for the win

found a few entries on forms which i feedbacked to get brownie points, and to you know let them know i'm working...boss was surprised at how slow i was ....which if you just punch the numbers its like one entry every 60 seconds, but after a few days i was still hitting 400 entries a day, yet having more and more stuff piled on me its ok i guess. gotta double check the forms too while i'm at it. and every hour i have to grab a free cup of drink at the company vending machine and nature calls...can't sit still for more than 45 mins.

have nagging strains at the base of my neck and the curve of my shoulders. been trying to adjust what i suspect to be the problem - the height of the chair relative to my keyboard but nothing has worked in the long term. what has worked though..are breaks. just great my body has to work together with my ADD. it peaks near noon and keeps climbing all the way thru afternooon -during which i just power my way thru to work end.

am gaining weight environment is horrendously bad for your health. every hour someone will offer you food which you will gladly accept just to turn your neck away from the position you have fixed it in for the past hour (love the snap it makes) , during lunch everybody chips in to buy food in addition to the main course your having. can't see my own damm ribs anymore awwwww.

so anyway this thing...this snippet of inquisite insightfulness dawned on me. do we really grow up? saw this sec school fella while applying for my job ...didn't register in his memory, but he looked exactly how i remembered him to be. Girl i have been eyeing 2 cubicles over, can't decide if she just got out of school or is already married. Auntie next cubicle...big rain and korean soap fan, giggles like a school girl, looks like shes nearing retirement age. My colleague, 29, married with a kid, could pass for my schoolmate. And of course ME age 20 - "working during my school holidays fancy that" And then i realise that i'm in the period when only the extremes matter. From now til 35 - you could drift through life with your graduation just yesterday, your to do list still unfulfilled, working in a menial job till one day you wake up and realise your dick no longer stands, your boobs sag, you have grey hair, you never really loved the person your sleeping with and your getting OLD gasp. then you start having mid-life crisis. Because from here on out..its going to be one long ski ramp.

1 comment:

QH said...

I feel ur pain bro! The neck and shoulder strain is killing me twice over.