I should be studying.
Instead i'm surfing the web strengthening my belief in my new religion - THE INVISIBLE PINK UNICORN.
For more reading on the parody religions Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Invinsible Pink Unicorn go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster and here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Pink_Unicorn. Both of them illustrate the point that it is simply ridiculous for the onus to be on the sceptic to prove that God doesn't exist...because both these parody religions have an equal claim to legitimacy as any religion which calls you to believe in a god which cannot be seen. this of course reverses my earlier view that because i cannot prove that god doesn't exist, i won't question other's people's belief.
I used to have a certain admiration for the ignorant faithful because i could never be so steadfast in my beliefs (which i believe is somewhat linked to my very diminished sense of self-esteem which was inherited itself from a very dysfunctional childhood). But now i realise how absurd they all sound. And i realise its akin to admiring the boy who lives in his mother's basement(ok i know we don't have basements). They walk the line their parents inculcated in them never veering from the path that was set out for them and ultimately living a boring and closeted existence.
I believe i can be as morally upright as them without having to live in fear/dependence of a god whose moral system dictates their own. I believe that only through then can i really know what it is to be kind and how to appreciate kindness. I believe that i don't need to live my life through a third party.
And in that way i'm stronger than them.
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