Ta da!
Granted they let me have my diginity by not making it like some of the shamings you see on the web. And i thaank them for that. this was taken after a teq pop, teq neat, bourbon coke and like 2 beers. yes i'm that weak.
edit: now with more pictures
In-drive entertainment, catered meals a massage chair with plenty of leg room - thats da shitz right there.
And as for the main event itself...sorry no pictures. i left early due to said physical impairment that prevented me from dancing. oh wells.
re alcohol impairment: work on it! and u changed your hair.. i liked the early-2007 one better.
i'm doing my darnest! tell you a secret though...people who work in clubs..can't drink too well cos they are working at night all the time!
and that last picture..i'm really wearing a hat. it didn't really change that much lol seriously that thing is just scary.
and if your who i think you are...update your blog? or send us email wat happened to the email it stopped!
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