Sunday, August 15, 2004

Blogging about blogging

I remember my first blog was very minimalist, and a very gay purple color...which was modelled after the blog started by the first girl i ever really loved, marit larsen.

Most ppl won't ever remember her but she was one half of the pop duo m2m. Throughout my relatively short life and my even shorter infatuation with pop music, my dalliance with m2m has been a constant source of ridicule and patronise(n)...but i still stand by them, 2 years after they broke up. for me m2m was never about the duo but marit...the sweet looking girl with the even more amazing seraphim voice(some would say saccharine)...too bad she was overshadowed by marion raven. Their first album "shades of purple" was the first and only album whose tracks i loved from start to finish...till todae i still pop it in and listen from time to time.

I wasn't the first, and wouldn't be the last to be infatuated with her...till todae most of the m2m websites still left standing are in tribute to marit...m2m was a manufactured confection, marit was forever...but this entry isn't about her, although it would appear to be that way(this pales in comparison actually to what i hav to say about her), its just that its a part of my blogging history, a lone string in a spider web, but one which held all the rest together...

Ever since then i hav made various blogs in various places...only to dismantle them and start anew...until for me blogging became somewhat of a chore, a nuisance...i concentrated instead on fiddling with layouts and stuff...until now.

So why start now? Why do what i always hated?

Because i realised that slowly but surely i felt i was wasting my life away. lotsa of people have all this memories, these thoughts, these fantasies that made them what they were. For too long i concentrated on blogging what i did, where i went, what i ate...etc, and much less on what i felt and thought. And these thoughts, these fantasies of mine, were slipping away ever so surely ever so etherally into the combined oasis of human conciousness ...such that i could no longer distinguish what was mine, what i owned...what i had become.

So this blog is about reclaiming what i thought i had lost, what could only be and would always be mine only; my experiences, my happy endings, my sad endings, the things i learned and the thinsg i could care less about learning, the frens i made, the frens i lost, the things i like and dislike, what i feel and why i the way i feel about marit.


To me your my little corner of secrets, your everything and nothing at the same eternal box of cookies.

i said i would blog about lost in translation, but that can wait another day. and i decided i would blog about my fren also...i just hav to remember not to qive her this address.

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