Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Slice of life

Since i'm closing my livejournal account...i thought i would move all the old posts that survived here ...

2003-08-30 23:26:00 Busking...
yep. u read right. I had busking with the harmonica band on staurday. It was really screwed in the beginning though. The students council didn't tell us the location b4 hand (not that it mattered anyway, it started to rain and we moved to a sheltered location), and when we got there, we were told that only 5 of us could play at any one time, which was darned near impossible, seeing that we had 1 bass 1 chord and 1 keyboardist, so that left like two people to play the main melody on the harmonica. So what did we do? Screw the teacher. we just played. Not that she knew what we were doing anyway. She came late, went shopping, and left early. Which was fine with us. We just let the SC dance(they did mass dance while we played the harmonica) while she was there, and played when she left. It was quite fun, the busking part. Only thing was, we had long break time in between that were really boring, thats when we talked a lot of crap about how miss ting was a bitch and how badly we were playing and how stiff section one (me, kelvin, teck chew and hidayat) was so stiff while playing. We were supposed to raise money for our college open house, but seriously, no one cared. We were just performing for our own enjoyment. Luckily, it went off without a hitch(the police didn't come to arrest us, we didn't run out of batteries for the keyboard, no one played too many wrong notes, and we didn't get caught by mrs ting). It was well worth the two weeks of practice we put in, and considering that when i came home the only thing i could think of was sleep, that was no mean feat. I wish we could busk more often, and earn some money of our own. And the next time, i'll tell you'all about it, so that maybe u can come doown and watch (though i doubt u would want to spend 1 hour on transport just to listen to 20 mins of less than stellar playing by amateur harmonica students).

I luv my harmonica.

2003-08-15 21:19:00 Yoohoo...
Hmmm, the last entry sounded a bit desperate, didn't it? Must be the lack of sleep i'm getting. Or rather the excess sleep. Why is it that u can sleep for 10 hours and still fell so godammed tired. I can't find the energy to do my work and my tutors are berating me for that. i really wish i could do it though.

Theres this band i 'm into right now, its called Dishwalla. They have been around for quite some time, but i only noticed when their song Angels or Devils featured in one episode of Smallville. Theres also this song called Mad World by Gary Jules thats really nice. For some reason it makes me quite sad....

Smallville as a series is quite cliched, every episode someone gets infected with the stupid kryptonite and superman goes to the rescue, but at the very least, the music is good. I've uncovered many gems that i would have otherwise have never found. Its a bit like the series Roswell. It went downhill after they started to introduce aliens from another planet, but for a while it was my favourite series, especially in the first season. I loved it not only because it had a beautiful actress in Shyri Appleby(sp?), but also because the music was really beautiful and haunting, It introduced to artistes like Sarah Mchlachlan, Majandra Delfino and Save Ferris, who while are not exactly indie artistes, receive far less airtime(sometimes 0) on Singapore radio. Smallville is in the same vein. Beautiful actress, beautiful music...i hope it doesn't go the way of Roswell.

2003-08-13 22:01:00 aloha.
theres this nice song in jolin's album that features jay chou. Its called bu la ge kuan chang. he goes ah ah busok, ah ah busok. Its one of the nicer songs on the album. Other than that and shuo ai ni, jolin's album kan wo qi shi er bian isn't very nice. i don't even like the title track.

i have a very packed weekend. On saturday morning there will be a chinese common test, in the afternoon parent teacher meeting, and in the evening taekwando farewell dinner. what a rush!

amelia's livejournal got me thinking about what i'm going to be. I chose this course because it offered me a wide range of choices, and i always thought that i would be able to choose a career path inn jc. Well, six months in and it turns out i still have no idea what i want to be. and it turns out that i may not have much time left to choose. One of the lecturers said that if we wanted to get into medicine its best if we go for a job attachment during the december holidays. i wonder whether i still have the same interest in the lifesciences and research that i had before. i'm not sure what i'm thinking. i''m not even sure what i'm interested in. Should i go into medicine or research? I have this funny feeling i'm not going to do either. well, if i continue to get the grades i'm getting i won't have much choice will i?

I did this image personality test, and i chose the image that represents a reflector. I also did a written personality test in class and came up with the same thing. If i'm supposed to be reflective and observant, why don't i even know what i want to be when i grow up? Maybe i 'm not yet interested in all that i've seen so far. I haven't found my true passion and calling in life. Then again, i don't want to be this laidback the rest of my life. my lack of "urgentness" scares the hell of me. Some of my friends are fretting about not doing well for promos, but they scored better than me in mid-yrs. and i very apathetic? or just lazy? I remember that the week b4 the mid-yrs, i cared more about my neopets and xbox than i did my mid-yrs, i started started 3 days b4 the first exam. Even then, i didn't feel a sense of urgency. The only real despair felt in the hour b4 the exam, but even then, it was "oh hell, f*** it, i'm never gonna finish studying".

Thats not good. Not good at all. I'm not compelled to do anything. i can't get home at the end of the day and take out my notes and revise, like i should be doing. I can't even be motivated to finish my hw. i want it to change. i want to study hard like my friends. i want to get good marks like everyone else. But these obviously aren't motivating factors(at least not for me). I think that they have a goal in life which they are working towards. I think i should have one too. Which brings us back full circle.

What is my ruddy goal in life!?

2003-07-29 00:57:00 ???
What is slash?

And do i want to know what it is?

And the only way to get me off my neopets account is to hack it.

2003-07-06 19:24:00 my first journal entry
i didn't know whether i should revive this journal or not, but what the hell, if i have time to play neopets, i definitely have time to update livejournal. And i feel gulty for reading other people's entries. so yeah, amelia, this is dedicated especially to you.

i just finished reading harrypotter-ootp, which i downloaded from the internet, since i don't have enough dough to shell out 30+bucks for the book, and because i want to finish procuring the other books first. i spent the whole of thursday and friday reading it, and wouldn't have slept except for the fact that rats sometimes scurry around the house at 3am in the morning, and that i had chinese oral practice the next morning,which i don't know why i even bother going. i'm gonna fail anyway, aren't i? Anyway, the book, was engrossing and absorbing, but not as good as the other books in the series. i say this because of several things: i think rowling overblew the whole teenage angsty thing. even if no one tried to kill us at birth, or required us to save the world, harry keeps getting pissed for no reason at all, and most of the time at his best friends. i also feel that he could have been nicer to cho chang. asshole. and i think sirius and james deserved to die, because of the way they treated snape. not that i don't think that snape is evil, but because i would hate the son of anyone who tried to bully me too. i think snape is justified to hate sirius and james. They are just like high school jocks, those big, fat, gits.rowling still manages to hide surprises nicely though. like the fact that hagrid brought home a giant. and her stroy telling is top notch. i just think that maybe she was too angsty in her youth.

in other unrelated, irrelevant and trivial news, i regret to inform everyone, that my morning musume obsession, has proven to be exceptionally short-lived even by my standards. i used to like mm because of maki and konno, but i found out that maki is a bit of a diva and konno, is nowhere to be seen. and now that its going to spilt into two, and that they have formed shuffle groups with names like SALT5, 7AIR and 11 WATER, well...sayonara it was fun while it lasted.

i just finished my mid-yr on thursday. needless to say, it was horrible, because i studied chemistry and biology only the day before, and that i left blank 29 marks worth of questions for a 100 mark maths paper , and that i didn't understand what i was writing in economics, and even in SAT, i forgot to bring an eraser for a paper that was all mcq and otas. thats why i'm hogging the comp and xbox until tuesday, the release of the results, because my parents will most probably lock everything then.

oh yeah, last of all, my music reecommendation of the week utada hikaru - Hikari (Kingdom Hearts Theme Song). i prefer the orchestra version, but then utada's voice ain't half bad. theres's a english version called simple and clean that's very nice too. okay, i know i'm not really helpful, but download this song, even if u don't like utada(which i didn't, not until i heard this song anyway).

Looks familiar...doesn't it

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