Friday, December 17, 2004

haven't been blogging much this past week gomen. cos my sisters are home most of the time and i have returned to sleeping early most nights (relatively heh) .

And heres a blow-by blow account of the week
Aniwae originally had cosplay this saturday...first blow came relatively early on our first meeting. Xueqi couldn't make it for cosplay cos she had to go overseas again. Spent the first day going about looking out mostly for odds and ends to make a costume. Second day was spent getting cloth from Chinatown. Second blow came on the third day Tk was grounded on saturday. Thanks to neko-chan ya li and tks grandmother sewing i now have a jacket. Got a purple turtleneck that looks damm gay on me from my mother. Spend 6 hours sawing and filing a stupid block of wood to get a kunai..and when we found out that stella wasn't cosplaying anymore(3rd blow STRIKE!) and that the block of wood probably wasn't going to turn out to be a kunai we changed it to a assasin knife instead. Still have to work a bit on it. Pushed cosplay back a bit and changed alliance from Singapore Anime Club at Jurong to Shiro Tsubasa at Singapore Expo. Which still owes me money btw. So the confirmed date is on 26th december. Which means that i dun have to trudge through town looking like a fool on public transport. YAY! Hopefully more people can make it on that day. for all your Singapore idol needs. Dead beat going to sleep...

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