Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I'm never gonna get kids. ever.

And by the the end of the week if the parents dun sue me or ask for refunds i think it'd be a bloody miracle.

lets see...i ask this fat kid to keep his big fat mouth shut. Twice. I taught them oh shit, damm and oh my gawd and came vey close to teaching them fuck...and after my despeate attempts to tell them those are very, very bad words...they caught on and started repeating them. two of the kids under my charge got hurt. one had stubbed his toe on some unidentified metalloid substance the other got his eye poked with a pvc insulation cover. And some p5 kids managed to manhandle me. Little hellfire brats. May them rot in hell. Or in the "Asshole Saturn" that they so lovingly came up with. Space and Rocketry 2004 indeed...

Actually there were quit a few this jap guy called tsumogu and this bright kid called issac. I bet issac is going to be popular with a lot of girls when he gets older...hes got the doe-eyed thing going on...girls just love that i supposed. there were some horrible ones however who didn't want to learn i just ignored them. Another oops? haha i dun really care now lah...might come up with a better description on friday when it all comes to an end...

And umm when i sent my mum to the airport on her trip to israel with New Harvest on monday there was this crazy lady spreading the love at changi airport by doing some early "carolling". her repertoire consisted of only 2 songs from what i heard (and mind you i heard for quite a bit...i was there for 3 hours) umm "yue liang dai biao wo de xing" and "silent night" And she mangled the lyrics for silent night. What a traversety. i hope she was carried away in handcuffs or alternatively never get laid for the umm emotional trauma she dealt to all the church going faithful who were there. And if u haven't guess yet...i wasn't one of them. The faithfully-going-church people. Still dunno what to do abt that...but thats another story.

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