Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Prelims 1 Shawn 0 :)

Lets see:
english b3
maths 0
chem o
econs e?
bio e?

wasn't unexpected...but was still dissapointed...although i can't really understand why...i didn't finish studying so its only right that i get this kinda results...still u always wish that u could have done better...especially for gp since i screwed up my essay (just when i got my highest ever for compre) haiz...

And oh the marker called me sharon.

i kinda know where my standards are act and for what sub i can go all the way for As...maths would be one of them...the O came from not studying complex vectors, stats and trig funcs...bio too prob...econs and chem pose more of a prob...since those were the topics i put more emphasis on and still came up short.

b4 i forget some links

http://www.nomarriage.com Crude and sexist....but still funny
http://www.albartus.com/motas/ Motas game
http://www.datacraft.co.jp/takagism/index_e.html Crimson room game

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why dont u hyperlink the damn thing...make my life eazier mah...haha -qh