1. How did we first meet?
Anime fantasia (sp?) Haha the first time we met u were prancing around and i asked jr whether u were always like that and he said yep :)
2. What was your first impression?
Eh a bit loud haha...i usually dun like loud ppl but i made an exception in your case bcos the things u did were just so funny :)
3. What do you think of me now?
Eh not loud anymore...
4. Am i loveable?
umm...define loveable. (scoots off while xueqi is thinking)
5. Do you think i'll get married?
Yes. To konno!
6. If you hafta give me a present, what would it be? (cost is not an issue)
eh..hmm...a necklace i would sppose
7. What reminds you of me?
Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri! Neko! Yuri!
8. If i'm an animal, what do you think i'll be?
Umm..a kawaii neko
9. Attribute a colour to me. what is it?
Gnarly Pink...or not hmmm. Pastel Blue
10. What do you think i'll be in future?
Married with 2 kids
11. Whee, i'm dead. my ghost is standing before you. why?
Bcos u died in sp.
12. Rank me on a scale of 1 - 10...
a) Angelic (1) -------------------------Evilness (10)
1-only if u wear neko ears...a tail and ayu's wings :)
b) Brainless (1) ----------------------Genius (10)
10-Cos u take s paper
c) Lucky bastard (1) ---------------- Cursed Soul (10)
10-haiz i think we all noe why
d) Simple-minded (1) --------------- Complex Character (10)
10-everyone is
e) Feminine (1) ---------------------- Masculine (10)
10-lol eh no lah
5-masculine with feminine qualities
Actually u noe what i think? i dun really care! It doesn't matter not to me at least...
f) adorable (1) ----------------------- Lovable (10) (^ ^)
...i'm not answering this
thanx! yay, at last someone with a comment option on his blog~~~!
1. How did we first meet?
> Fantasia 2003! first saw u at the vjc open house 2003 tho, u were gushing over the laptop which was playing FFX-2 movies. but met at Fantasia, i'm sorry about the digicam nyo...
2. What was your first impression?
> JR's fren. knows a lot about computer stuff and downloads a lot. wow-guy. shiny-deprived.
3. What do you think of me now?
> knows a hell lot about computer stuff and downloads a LOT. super nice guy, a bit kickable-around (nyo, sorry~), and supa cute at times, altho i haf the impulse to strangle u sometimes...bwahahaha!
4. Am i loveable?
> u're like a taru. (-_________-)|||
5. Do you think i'll get married?
> hopefully yes. ^ ^
6. If you hafta give me a present, what would it be? (cost is not an issue)
> a new computer that can support EVERYTHING and score >8000 for the ffxi benchmark test!
7. What reminds you of me?
> empty cds, money. ha!
8. If i'm an animal, what do you think i'll be?
> cat. small-chiisana cat.
9. Attribute a colour to me. what is it?
> brown i guess. ...u alwaes seem to be wearing brown (-___-) even ur vjc uniform looks slightly brownish to me...
10. What do you think i'll be in future?
> an astronaut.
11. Whee, i'm dead. my ghost is standing before you. why?
> u burst a blood vessel coz i was being too irritating. u're back to haunt me.. soBz...
12. Rank me on a scale of 1 - 10...
a) Angelic (1) -------------------------Evilness (10)
> TWO. coz u're nice. and u're definitely not evil (^ ^)
b) Brainless (1) ----------------------Genius (10)
> FIVE? depending on the occassion and events, u can go from NEGATIVE to TEN.
c) Lucky bastard (1) ---------------- Cursed Soul (10)
> ONE! u haf a fren like me! *tomo-laf* ok, *squeak* dun kill me... ONE PLUS NINE, ONE PLUS NINE!!! i'm sorry u haf a friend like me~~~
d) Simple-minded (1) --------------- Complex Character (10)
> SIX. dun understand wat u are thinking sometimes... mew.
e) Feminine (1) ---------------------- Masculine (10)
> SIX... grow more muscle mass!!! but considering u gaf me a five... guess that should make u like four... -________-
f) adorable (1) ----------------------- Lovable (10) (^ ^)
> Ctrl V: "i'm not answering this"
eh yea my uniform is very brown lol....btw what is chiisana? is it brown? i only heard it once b4...
wat do u want to be in the future: osaka!!!
chiisana- small.
btw, chiisana hana is a really nice song from el hazard... ~xue
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