Monday, December 18, 2006

A project to fill the world with the largest possible surge of human energy , a synchronised global orgasm, on 22 dec 2006, at the time of your choosing , using whatever gets you off, to effect possible change in the energy field of the earth.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Wheres the automatic one click categorise all posts with photos wih the tag "photo"?

Why does it jump back to the first page with 50 posts after you are done applying a tag to the 148th post??

Why can't you change the names of labels???

Does it always have to refresh after every label is applied??

Guess thats why its stil in beta

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

labels are coming you can already see from the numbers next to the labels..

1) I'm lazy.
2) I like to look through the looking glass darkly.
3) Daily Life = Crap
4) Army = Lots Of Daily Life Posts
5) Army = Crap
6) Labels are so hard to apply someone please fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each prayer accepted, and each wish resign'd

-Alexander pope

I'm sorry ...i'm in a nostalgic mood right now....

blogger just updated their can now update your posts with tags which used to be a feature of wordpress only and tabulas i'm gonna go through all the posts and retag them...and then i realise omfg i have a lot of posts...but i still treasure all of them

I have rebooted my journals like what 3/4 times? I was blogging even before blogging became popular..anyone remember livejournal? Hell that was way back in 2000, blogger was barely a baby in 2001, how things have changed.

this blog remains about my only tangible link to the past....many times i have thought of deleting it...twice i have stopped for lack of interest in blogging/life, but hopefully i never reach the stage of deleting it. I wish now i had my livejournals preserved..if only to see how stupid and ignorant i was..

A few things you should have realised about me - I'm not a nice person. I have the appearance of being nice, i have nice "reactions" and generally speaking i don't fuck around....but i'm not a nice person. Nice people donate to charity willingly nice people give their seats up to elderly, nice people don't hurt their friends nice people don't make use of them. I'm not a nice person. I'm sensitive yea...and being sensitive you would think i would be just that little bit more sensitive to other people...but most of the time i'm only being sensitive to myself. and i hate that. i really do.. i hate hate hate hate hate this part of me thats really not very nice. i'm so very very sorry ...

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind (2004) - Get it from me. Go watch it. This is as good as it gets.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

i'm about to introduce to you ..the most secretive game in the world ever.

the people who have solved this game, are sworn to never reveal the answer to anyone , other than the hints that were given to them.

the game is petal around the roses.

Bil Gates took 40 mins to solve this. I took slightly under half an hour. My les sister got it in 5 mins.

Hint 1 : the name is signifcant
Hint 2: the answer is always even or 0

Saturday, December 02, 2006

forgive the avalance of posts i don't want to touch wow-crack now. and the spelling. and the vocabulary. army's fault. - plays meredith grey on Grey's Anatomy- Do you know shes 37? Yet she's a perfect example of timelessness in beauty. her skin is not perfect, her hair kinda sucks. yet the way she smiles with that twinkle in her eye at once sexy and flirtatious

I'll try to grab a screen cap when shes doing it. But its hard to capture pure magic.
I'm a wannbe lesbian.

makes perfect sense.
2nd entry made at the same time but now with more fruitiness!

So i have been doing my fair bit of surfing...not at work cos i haven't figured out how to hack net access yet, and have added a few links.

laura: i have no idea what shes rambling about...but umm..more power anyways?

people who are overseas: you have to realise that we poor lot in singapore..have no tools at our discretion to imagine the experiences your describing. which is why photos are nice yes. nudity is always a bonus. and theres a thing called youtube now, no?

sigh seriously though why do i even bother

digg: this is a website when people submit stories....and viewers vote whether they like it or not.

Typically the stories that get the most "diggs" are listed here in order of popularity : Celebrity Sex Videos/Nude Shots, Any News About PS3/XBOX360/WII (it attracts the fanboys), US POLITICS, Some Technological Marvel"

Best thing about this website- its good for a 10 min dose of entertainment... its updated by the min but usually viewers will already have filter out the junk each day..leaving you with 10 mins of pure ROFLific laughter. Its at least a bookmark, if not a daily visit.

Jon-Stewart: Funniest guy on american tv now. His gig "The Daily Show" pokes fun at the absurdities of the american politcal system and for now at least the war in iraq. he has archives of the past week show and sometimes i search the archives in youtube for more. His humour is usualy of the deadpan sarcasm variety- the sort i love, but sometimes when the pickings are slim, he resorts to frat boy sexist jokes. Still funny if you take it at face level for what is.

One of his gems:

Leader of the evangelical network of america resigns as he admits to sex with gay and trying drugs: "You know you have sunk to a new low...when you lose the moral high ground... to the gay drug-dealing hooker" Priceless
having mixed feelings about my work...started off really slack and boring but thankfully they have scaled it up for me. and i'm sticking to all lower caps for now....more on that later

for the first one week i was just inputing company name and registration numbers into one excel file, for 8 hours a day. managed to rack up at least 400 entries a day.....they weren't kidding when they said data entry. came across some funny names too... one of them starts with " **** hong kong wife cake" i was like "dude wtf". Another company was called "kaki nang pte ltd". and then there are so many derivatives of " " that after a while they just all merged and i was operating on autopilot (a damm good one at that). So if you wanna start a company, ditch the family pride and stick to monosyllables. Or dialect variants. For the good of all data entry clerks worldwide. and another thing i hate caps. yea sure having to upper case the first alphabet of a sentence is fine and dandy, but not when you have to uppercase the first alphabet of every word. can't count the number of times i had to delete an entire word and input it again just cos i forgot to caps. lowercase all the way for the win

found a few entries on forms which i feedbacked to get brownie points, and to you know let them know i'm working...boss was surprised at how slow i was ....which if you just punch the numbers its like one entry every 60 seconds, but after a few days i was still hitting 400 entries a day, yet having more and more stuff piled on me its ok i guess. gotta double check the forms too while i'm at it. and every hour i have to grab a free cup of drink at the company vending machine and nature calls...can't sit still for more than 45 mins.

have nagging strains at the base of my neck and the curve of my shoulders. been trying to adjust what i suspect to be the problem - the height of the chair relative to my keyboard but nothing has worked in the long term. what has worked though..are breaks. just great my body has to work together with my ADD. it peaks near noon and keeps climbing all the way thru afternooon -during which i just power my way thru to work end.

am gaining weight environment is horrendously bad for your health. every hour someone will offer you food which you will gladly accept just to turn your neck away from the position you have fixed it in for the past hour (love the snap it makes) , during lunch everybody chips in to buy food in addition to the main course your having. can't see my own damm ribs anymore awwwww.

so anyway this thing...this snippet of inquisite insightfulness dawned on me. do we really grow up? saw this sec school fella while applying for my job ...didn't register in his memory, but he looked exactly how i remembered him to be. Girl i have been eyeing 2 cubicles over, can't decide if she just got out of school or is already married. Auntie next cubicle...big rain and korean soap fan, giggles like a school girl, looks like shes nearing retirement age. My colleague, 29, married with a kid, could pass for my schoolmate. And of course ME age 20 - "working during my school holidays fancy that" And then i realise that i'm in the period when only the extremes matter. From now til 35 - you could drift through life with your graduation just yesterday, your to do list still unfulfilled, working in a menial job till one day you wake up and realise your dick no longer stands, your boobs sag, you have grey hair, you never really loved the person your sleeping with and your getting OLD gasp. then you start having mid-life crisis. Because from here on out..its going to be one long ski ramp.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The motherload of all mothers centers around my workplace. Mothers of all ages everywhere i turn they are discussing recipes....talking about their kids planning their year end holidays sharing food they make...then they start calling me "xiaodi" and "ah boy" and i go hmmm....what the hell their grandchildren are probably older then i bear with it for a while...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I fail@life

My sister has a girlfriend and i don't


p.s No. I'm not really emo.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

But for now a toast
To short term employment And
Money for presents
For I know yet not
The horrors the day may bring
But the pay is good.
i prepare myself
for a day of working in
stuffy office gear


Huh. Hasn't been that long and i'm bored already. Decided to take a break after ORD to clear backlog of movies and stuff, reorganise my things. Worked for 2 weeks beforehand to boost my cash bank a little, purely illegal. In the meantime while packing, i received a brand new computer table which is now sitting snugly in a corner. Finally my keyboard isn't on my lap.

Impressions of some movies i watched :

Chronicles of Narnia: Ugliest kids ever. 2/10
Signs: Lame-O ending. 7/10
Sixth Sense: V.Good 9/10
Team America: KIM-CHI! -2 for disgusting sex scene 6/10
My Sassy Girl: Needs nudity from Jun Ji-hyun 9/10
Last Samurai: American Guy teaches Japanese Samurai how to fight. Right. 6/10
SharkskinMan and Peach Hip Girl: Quirky Arty Low Budget Film. Nice Dialogue though. 8/10

Signed up with this agency recruit express. Looks like they are the go to people for admin/clerical jobs. Sitting tight while they send me for interviews and stuff. So far 3 days and no success. Played Ninja Gaiden Black to completion..don't think i have the heart or the strength to try hard or very hard mode. Also levelling an ally mage on server barthilas till level 60 and beyond.

I need another goal :( . A longer term goal so that my days don't seem like i'm bumming thru them. With army, every day seemed to have a meaning because every passed day meant a day closer to release from bondage and melodrama and shit, but now i'm stranded in no man's land. Every passed day is just a wasted day where i don't earn income, because whether i do anything or not the end result will be the same, i'll go into university next year. Thats not a goal its just a period in time where i'm scheduled to be doing something.

Basically i need a job fast or i'll go crazy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

memento is seriously twisted.

Monday, August 28, 2006


I only ever truely realised how soon ORD was when i was invited to a ORD function this thursday. Minus my off leave and weekends..i have 35 workdays left. Due to a new stupid rule i can't plan all my off and leave in the last month so it'll have to be spread out between now and november.

its also got me reflecting much about my army days and what i wanna do in the future. Before i came to army i had quite a few goals. self improvement - pick up some skills, a veritable egg basket by the time i leave, and hmm well not much else. Sadly those goals have not been fulfilled. The egg basket stands at $650 and the skills; well don't come to me with your car. true to my media whore collections of movies and music have increased by the terabyte.

that said though ns life has been somewhat more or less fulfilling. yes there have been extremely hairy patches...but it hasn't been as bad as i thought it'd be. Surprisngly though ....if you were to ask me which part i would miss most, it wouldn't be the current period: slack workload, jc colleagues, stay out. I miss the NS of a year ago, the LRI period, the hokkien ping people, the stay in sessions. I feel like i can leave now without any attachements. I'm ready to be taken, take me!

Whats next in store? half a year of part time work, and not much else i expect other then what i'm doing. when you fail to plan you plan to fail. but when you don't follow the plan why plan at all?


My legs are well and truely dead.

Ran the half marathon in 2hrs 20mins my medal. Was faster than my other colleagues....but the lack of training right leg started cramping all the way from the 18 km mark. you can only get so far on willpower alone.

WoW is geting stale..theres only so much you can do individually till you reach 60....raids are very fun and downing a new boss a new high for everyone but sometimes you just wanan chill out i started another mage character. other than that though i have come to realise how well designed the game is. There are several things they have fucked up, like how the pvp is a honour grind accesible to only those who play 20 hours a day to be able to achieve anything of relative value, how most of the reputation rewards are a mob killing grind, but the depth of movement and the amount of flexibility you get with your characters is amazing.

Monday, July 24, 2006

damm left stripe Posted by Picasa

me trying to look fierce. guy in the middle is from predator Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

taking it a step at a time

This was a long time coming -comment moderation. But it seems to come too late for this guy - Anyway making a moves to tabulas soon blogspot has become too complacent for its own good.

btw angel i'm lvl 42 now , and only because i have been PVPing lots :) You know getting the rank rewards and stuff :). no blackwing lair at the moment for me now :(

Sunday, April 30, 2006

lvl 38 :)

turns out its for both ndp and saf day parade. i'm joining the contingent that runs arnd in smart 4 and sbo and forms the word 2006. very lame. next 4 months of my life are gone -_-"

anyways qh let me dl the last ep finish first shld be done by monday or tuesday will sms you den

Friday, April 28, 2006

lvl 37 :)


been nominated by default for saf day parade. which sucks definitely..bye bye saturdays....

and qh i am finally finishing desperate housewifes season 1 time to bring that hdd over ^^

Sunday, April 16, 2006



Blogging just doesnt hold any attractions for me anymore. maybe i really was like the rest of those attention seeking bastards. or maybe it doesn't provide me the soothing answers to my messed up life anymore. mebbe its cos i'm too busy with WoW. mebbe its cos i have reduced my life to a simple automatic routine.

R.I.P dear bloggie

might convert it to a listing of my ever growing collection of movies. omg i have to watch movies just to rem how to live life. anyway memento, walk the line, city of god, supersize me and the notebook are some of my eh hem recent acquistions. or revive it when i can act feel my bloody toes again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well the dreaded letters never did materialise..cos one person reversed a stupid decision, circumstances changed for another and for the last..well he was just too happy for me to do anything...

Anyway i can't be bothered by these stuff anymore...been playing a lot of World of Warcraft lately that and 'm almost done with lost..about time..need new eps...

Friday, February 10, 2006

My hands are feeling itchy thats why i'll be sending out letters over the next week or so...some of them will be posted straight to this blog others will be emailed. Look forward to it :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

I swear i'm gonna fucking lose it sooner or later...i really can't take it anymore....

i'm talking of course of the army, wonderful piece of shit that it is.

6 months into the army wasn't so bad, cos you were doing different things and learning lots of stuff...but now that i've hit the 1 year mark...with more than a year to the end in sight and the sheer monotony of it sets in...i say screw defending the country.

its slowly but surely sucking the life and creative juices out of me. cause i feel myself growing stupider by the minute. just because i'm wasting 1 year of my life here. No retraining opportunites, no chance to jump ship to another department, no performance based wage increments..its like slaving in a white collar cubicle. except the cubicle walls are 5 metres high. With no windows.

I mean day after day after day the same old boring routine sets in, Just how do people even live like that? Is that what that real adult world is going to be like? if it is i rather go back into my little hiding hole and never ever come out... Imean give me abreak. Ship me to combat even just so that i can appreciate warm food again if thats what it takes. No things to look forward to on weekends, nothing to look forward when i go home...just the sheer realisation that tmr..i have to wake up early and do the same fucking thing that i do every fucking morning and which i just did this fucking afternoon...

And i just heard my warrant officer say he was a private for 6 years of old skool pre3G army...and just because of that he earns my respect for the moment. Cause anybody who goes through that much shit deserves a better life.

"somebody kill me please
I'm on my knees
pretty pretty please
kill me...
I want to dieeee
Put a bullet in my headdddddddd"

Thursday, January 26, 2006

"happiness is a long weekend" amen to that.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

patrick! Posted by Picasa

playin gvo0lleyball Posted by Picasa

i luv this pic lol Posted by Picasa

mermen..and ooh babes at 2 am! Posted by Picasa

at subway after sentosa Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

what i did over the past week or so
Saturday 24- mad rush to buy prezzies
sunday 25- spent christmas at home with family watching honey
monday 26- went thongs house
tuesday 27- went back to camp
wednesday 28- went sentosa. pics and stuff coming up later
thursday 29 - went thongs house. william came over and taught me dota.
friday 30 -played dota
sat 31- played dota and went expo for countdown party
sunday 01 - city harvest and slepp.
monday 02- went out with becky and weiteen.

in the process i slept less than 5 hours a day, left a lot of unfinished business and spend myself broke. And i'm still short of new year resolutions.

so my new year resolution will be to : use tuesday and wednesday to do my annual stocktake.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Winamp tweaks

Ever tried playing japanese or chinese songs your friends give you in winamp but seeing only this ???? - ???? or worse this ‚Ç‚¤‚µ‚Ä‚±‚ñ‚È - ‚ƒ`ƒƒƒCƒ€? Theres a way to fix that! Only works for winxp cos thats the only thing i have now.

First you have to go to date, time, language and regional options in WinXp and select Regional And Language Options. Click on the Advanced Tab and under the language for non-unicode programs option select Japanese, which provides the option of seeing the jap/chinese song title on the taskbar since japanese has kanji (chinese chars) too

By now your media library shld be able to display the jap and chinese titles. Some ??? will still appear occasionally since not all of the chinese chars are available in the japanese char set but you can still play them. the playlist editor uses a diff font from the media library however and for that you have to go to preferences < playlist under there you shld find the option "Use skin or language pack font". Unselect that and under font select Lucida Sans Unicode or any other unicode font and walla! chinese/japanese support. The only thing left remaing is the scroling song title in the main window, but since i couldn't find a tweak for that and i dun really stare at that already.

Now why am i putting this down here? Cause i searched for a frigging long time and found no site that provides this information in a an easily inaccessible form. Plus i'm going thru my mp3 collection and putting proper unicode ID3 tags on them.