Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm moving my blog to Please update your bookmarks. Its not ready yet cos i don't have enough time to do it enuff properly but i think the basics are there :)

Monday, June 25, 2007



(oh what big ...ego you have)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Not much random things happening in the world today... tat's why the blog is growing quiet..

but in order to do justice to the amazing creation of the singapore government that is the GSS , like any good member of the proletariat i took my wallet out and spent. a lot. bought a nice top from topman, cargo jacket and pants from S & K. Now i mourn my loss for the next week or so while i pray i recover in time before the sale ends. woe is me.

am looking to acquire a nice tagger bag. Tagger bags for those not in the know allows you to choose the flap, base colour and strap. And the parts are all interchangeable. My eventual creation was this...BEHOLD! Nice eh? 129 gotta start saving.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sorry Qiuyu

hai all if your wondering where the post been i have moved it to drafts together with all the comments. If any of you so called "friends" want it put back up just tell me, i'm sure you would want whats best for your girl.

first of all sorry qiuyu you weren't supposed to see that. I post a lot of personal stuff about that blog and just recently it was made public, so it really was an oversight on my part. if it means anything i didn't really think of all those things your "friends" said. I just thought you could do without the makeup thats all. period. you didn't need it you are already very pretty without it and i would have told you so myself if i knew you any better.

second the post was really less malicious than it looked. i didn't say anything about her beauty without makeup. i didn't use vulgarities. my main point was the makeup looked ugly. and she didn't need it because she looked distinctively better without it! I would have told her if i didn't think it wouldn't be rude, becos frankly speaking qiuyu and i are not very close and she knows that as well. When was the last time any of you went up to a girl you don't know very well and said her makeup was ugly? it would be better if someone she knew hinted to her about it and not spread the link like wildfire becos seriously by doing that, your not being much help.

third i don't know who you all and what sort of things you all blog about. but i don't blog every single mundane event of my life. i blog stuff which i remember when i come home late and just when i'm about to hit the couch. and most of the time this stuff just comes straight out of my head into the computer. so yes forgive me for devoting one single offhand post to one single thing that i can remember in one single day. each one of your posts was way longer than that. you guys win hands down for blowing it out of proportion.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

at·ro·phy (ăt'rə-fē) n., pl. -phies.
Pathology. A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use: muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis.
A wasting away, deterioration, or diminution: intellectual atrophy.

Oh god i need an exercise regime.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I'm finally out of that god damm place :)

I have a learnt a lot during my time in Zouk that i couldn't have learnt anywhere else and saw a great deal (and earned a lot less). And i'm sure that i'll look better upon this time with great fondness. But for now i just want to rest :)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My first wikipedia edit!


Also i'm thinking about starting an article about gatsby and mandom. currently there's really none on english wiki :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saturday, June 09, 2007

my antisocial tendencies are kicking in again...more and more i feel like i need some ME time..


I'm a very terriorial being...i need my own personal space lol i remember when i was in pri/sec school i used to fight with Teng Soong all the the time cos one his arm would slightly extend over to my table. Its true what they say GEP boys are more immature..

Anyway more and more i feel like i need to recharge and just do some of my own stuff again haven't had the time to do it anymore..have a piling stuff of things i want to do.

just got Avril Lavinge's new album and i'm not ashamed to say Avril your still the best. In spite of all the obscure/indie pop-rock/alt/folksy stuff i listen to...i'll still come back to you, you two-faced skinny bitch.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Recently there's been some uproar in the local anime community because the main distributor of anime in Singapore, ODEX has just sent a settlement letter to an anime fansubber who downloaded one of their copyrighted materials. Now people are complaining well, because they love to complain (not talking about you tk!) - copy of that letter

Now just several points to highlight:

1. Downloading copyrighted material infringes copyright law. And the company who owns the copyright has the right to prosecute. No argument there. Unless you can somehow twist the law. In which case i salute you.

2. In the US theres the mentality that if an anime is licensed for release, distribution of the fansub is halted at least by those who care about the companies who care to spend money to bring the stuff in. Now thats respect. No such mentality here.

3. If your willing to spend money on anime merchandise you should be willing to spend money to buy the medium on which the anime is stored on. Because this directly affects the companies who produce the anime as well.

4. Local fansub watchers know they have been playing a dangerous, illegal game. in the words of TK you gotta know when to fold, before the house crashes on you.

5. ODEX can't and won't bother to persecute you, if your not distributing material for which they have not obtained license for, and which they will not get revenue from. they don't have the incentive to, they don't have the right to, its god damm free speech. So go ahead and choose wisely.

According to this the goverment plans to blanket ban all anime downloads. first of all they wouldn't have much incentive to. Second of all they would not be able to (see point 5). The most they can do is publicise via their local mouthpiece the legal persecution. And other speculation is just playing into their hands by driving fear into the minds of fansub downloaders.

So basically the situation has't changed overnight. the stakes just got higher.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Roundtable Discussion

Yes somewhere amid all that playing and the eating and the chilling out, of all the conversation topics that had to come out, it had to be religion.

I believe that we spoke close to about 3 hours on the damm topic. it began innoncently enough with me expressing my personnal preference to someone close by to be atheistic (?SP). chiefly being that i think a life in heaven playin harpies castrating prostrate in front of GOD is not a life i would want to have. (at this point in time i would like to add that this recreation has been heavily embellished and is chronologically wrong). And that believing in a life after death is simply dimishing the life you have now.

And suddenly i found my views being challenged in the open . Now i hate open confrontation. chiefly because i tend to lose :) But because i was fairly confident of my position well i let it go :)
On my side was the non- christians. On the other side was Daryl - evangelical/charismatic christian. Brian - conservative christian. and Marcus - liberal christian. And because i'm tired and fairly biased (oxymoron? pun?) I'll just briefly sum up their points.

We discussed some fairly heavy topics. Like the evidence for god in the beauty of the world. And the longing inherent in all of us to believe in a god which they said was instilled in us for god to worship him. Which i countered came naturally from us being able to differentiate between whats good for us and whats not bad for us which is in fact a survival mechanism. That same ability to differentiate is what gives us the ability to imagine a perfect life, a perfect world, a perfect being. And this ability is what causes us to form god in our imagination and not the other way around (ie god created this inherent longing in us versus we long for a god, thats why we create god to worship him).

They said how about all the evidence thats been accumalated in favor of the bible like noah's ark and evidence of a flood. I said i believe the bible is a historical record but i don't believe which should take it to be a god's word in the same way that we shouldn't expect billy graham's books to be become a holy book in the future. And they replied that Billy Graham didn't proclaim himself to be the son of god. (which in my mind simply means that billy graham has something that jesus doesn't - sanity). About the most absurd idea i believe i heard was that Noah didn't have room on his ark for dinosaurs thats why they went extinct. haha wtf.

At this point in time it was still ok i believe because they were exposuing about God in general and about morality and sinfulness in the world and about christians in general which i didn't really have an opposition to...But at some point in time the non believers hit upon a fallacy in the system. Daryl was explaining that God was the alpha and omega and he already had a written plan for all of us. At the same time he also said that we each had a choice to make be obedient to god or disobedient to him. Which begs the question....if god wrote the story for all of us..we don't have a choice do we? So why test us in the first place if he already knows the outcome. And then they brought up this analogy of a maths teacher who was giving a test to students. And one of them was a student who always failed, never studied and was patently stupid. The teacher still had to give the test else it wouldn't be fair. But there's obviously something wrong with this analogy. the teacher isn't God. she doesn;t know the outcome of the test. God does. So why does he still give us the test?

At which point QH replied:" because GOD is a bitch."

And so for the rest of the night it settled on this one topic and because they couldn't answer it sufficently enough the tide turned. In the end all the answers pointed to "no one knows what god is thinking" and " its all about faith". We demand understanding, accoutability and logic in all we do why should rely on faith on something so important as this? Because we can never prove god exists but to say that he might exist just because we can't prove it is so wrong. But Yaochen brought up a good point that actually we go about out lifes with a certain degree of uncertainty and actually its all about how much unknowns you can live with. For me between a belief founded on logic and known constants and one that is based on so much faith its pretty obvious which i would choose.

In the end brian put it in succintly when he said why care so much about the things that do not affect you in the end. these macro issues can never be resolved but in the end you should only care about the stuff that affects you...

will add more if i do recall but thats about the gist of it.

hehe its been a fun 4 days thanks for all who participated in one way or another. and for those whom i have yet to meet (you know who you are) please carve time from your schedules :) be warned what is to follow will be an extremely girly post.

first of celebrated with my working colleagues on thursday. wanted to treat them to ramen and then board games...but they sprang a surprise on me by hiding money in my bag. sneaky bastards. Too bad i don't have photos of the trip its been some time since i played board games :) and to jingfeng if you do read this you missed the point of the trip it was for you to spend some time with us, not for you to enjoy free ramen or for me to get a present -____-. you lose for not coming ...speaking of which they bought me a very nice springfield long sleeve shirt which i love its so warm and cuddly!

friday it was off to bintan which thankfully i have pictures of :) first of a disclaimer the place is a bloody ripoff. Its probably run by singaporeans to suck singaporean money. Seriously the food there is so freaking ex and there's not much you can do there. We went sun tanning , played a beach volleyball shot a few rounds of pellet guns, did archery and a bit of snorkelling but there wasn't much you could see. Would love to post more pictures but i'll prob just wait till someone puts them up on facebook or friendster and link to it. Which i know they will do cos well..theyre photo whores. Especially marcus.

came back, slept till sunday and then it was off to IT show to grab a printer and hard disk after which i scooted off to dinner with family. again no pictures :( but it was a $158 meal with shark's fins, chili crab and black pepper crab, teochew steamed fish, cereal prawns, a real chinese seafood meal. and then scooted off again to KTV session with my precious bottle of Absolute Kurant. Which right now is sitting prettily (prettily empty) on my desk.

total haul with a bit of creative steering (actually quite obvious steering as my colleagues will attest to :) : one springfield shirt. one fossil watch. one myuk wallet. one hard disk. one goldlion tie. keep them coming.

so point of this story? i wasn't hiding i was celebrating my bday phuckers.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

back on saturday night.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Pitchblack was a dissapointment the search continues for an alternative venue.

The rest of the week is jam packed with events.

With all the money that is being pumped in...i better feel like i'm 21.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

went for a bit of retail therapy picking up food at the singapore food fair and books at the MPH book sale.

Picked up Freaknomics, Sisterhood of Travelling Pants and Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man. Would have picked up more if i had more than 1 hour to shop on the LAST DAY. Endless rolls of books all with the words "international bookseller" on them how's a virtual book virgin like me to choose ( i remember how to read its just been a loong time - my excuse). Oh and tk picked up a book which is basically a playlist of the most hippiest music you can find, a book of top 100 shitty jobs and a book of neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders (ain't that right?). I should have known about it earlier *slaps himself*
I'm starting to feel silly and i dunno whether i should laugh or cry this issue is basically a non-starter and i'm throwing a hissy fit. really shows how much i have matured.
I got a hard disk covered.

you nubcakes are gonna have to think of something else :)

give you a hint. rbtskooa
I'm sorry it took so long to get this out. But i couldn't let you read this, not that night as we were still talking.

Before you revisted me i thought i had closed this chapter in my life. but you just had to appear again didn't you. you woke me from my quiet reverie at a time when i was feeling the most emotionally vulnerable and for the first time in months i felt more alive than i had ever been. But these moments, sweet as they are, are evil when they are gone.

And just this once i'm sorry i can't be your best friend/your go to guy. i have to be selfish and think of myself this time because it already hurts so much inside and i can't be the nice guy all the time.

For once you have a real shot at something nice and i can tell you have an attachment for this guy. He may not be like me but he has endeared himself to you in his own ways and i don't want to ruin it. I just wished i could have been a part of your happiness don't blame me for feeling so.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

things at work have been very tense lately and it all began with, as such situations always do, with a small petty thing like adolescent love (i'm too old to use that word *cough* *cough*). surprisingly it wasn't mine. but one thing led to another, and now i just wish things would return back to normal.

Monday, May 21, 2007

i'm smiling like an idiot for no damm good reason and sometime this too will pass but for now i realise i'm gonna have to settle for someone who can make me feel that way, no compromises.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Theres some new can drink called "whatever" and "anything" thats in stalls now. supposedly there are 6 different non-carbonated flavours of whatever and 6 different carbonated flavours of anything. Now its a pretty cool concept..except that after trying 2-3 cans of whatever, i have become convinced that all the flavours are variants of green tea. Like wtf? Who can tell the difference? Lame shit.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today i chu stunt.

There was this few ppl who refused to give me and my colleague a reply about some case for which cx keep calling us up. It was a very simple thing like "have you received the application form?" So i shot an email to them, the team leaders and oic blasting them for not replying. Don't you think its fun to do stuff like that? Dispense with all the pleasantries, the bullshit and just give it straight to them? Works wonders i tell you they replied about the status right away.

Things might change but i've made a decision..never to stoop so low as to do a white collar job ever again. Or at least never to act like a white collar worker. Theres a standard i know that has to be set for any big company where professionalism and protoccol has to be followed, but its precisely that which i hate the most. Or at least there's only so much that i can take.

So far there have been no repercussions but just maybe i might find myself out of a job tmr :)
And actually thats fine with me. In fact the more i stay in this job the more miserable i get. Its not so much the customers fault in that i feel like i'm unable to help customers to the best of my ability. And thats is the fault of UOB. There's so many layers that have to go through just to get a simple thing done that i feel its dragging the productivity.

In fact when i leave i'm going to shoot another email this time to the entire platform. including the head of call centre. The title of the email would be "Parting Shot"and the contents would be as such. Its still a work in progress. Maybe i will leave the minor grievances out so as to make the point across more strongly.

Let me just start off by saying that i appreciate the opportunity extended
by your very honorable organisation to allow me to experience working in the
banking sector. I have a learnt a considerable lot from my short stint and for
the most parts its been quite favourable in my eyes. But sadly this has
been marred quite badly by several factors of which i feel they are easily
remedied but for whatever reason the situation has remained unchanged. Heed this plea to change the working conditions in UOb by simply taking 5 mins to read this email.

The past few months have been quite frustrating to me as i struggled to settle
into the job as a temp. First of all the training period which was given to
me was quite short and inadequate considering the skill set of the calls i was
assigned to. From the get go we were thrown into the boiling pot and the first
week was quite horrendous in that i gave cx wrong information quite frequently
and unnecessarily made simple queries very trying and difficult for the
customer. As weeks went by we slowly got more familiar with the information and
the tools availiable to us but still it felt as though we were strictly
restricted in what we were able to do. I have several suggestions to make and i
feel that it would be helpful if you would consider my suggestions on the basis
of their merit and not the source from which them came from.

1. If your going to hire temps for a short basis and give them a reduced
training schedule and not allow them access to CRM, restrict the skill sets of the calls they can take. On job training might work fine but its hardly suitable for a position on which the banks highly esteemed platinum customers rely on for their point of contact. For example if we were just restricted to waivers and application status, and allow other CSRS to transfer their calls to our line, it would be so much better
because as job specialists we would free up highly skilled resources to handle
highly sensitive issues like disputes.

2. Am i the only one who feels that a call queue of more than 5 mins is ridiculous for customers? I mean surely we can spare some resources to serve the millions of credit card users in singapore? We are the single most biggest credit card entity in singapore and yet our call centre occupies 2 floors. This chronic understaff problem and overall reliance on temp staff seems to be epidemic in UOB. Before working in the call centre i worked as temp staff in UOB Business Internet Banking where i entered data for BIB so i know what i'm talking about. The budget for temps that year was 40,000. Just so that they did not overshoot that budget me and my colleagues(perm staff and temp) worked overtime almost EVERYDAY. And yet the backlog was neverending, which was the reason why i quit my temp position there. Obviously in the call centre we do not have such a backlog simple because its based on callvolume pertime. However we have all surely taken note of the amount of abandoned calls and callbacks that have to be done. Spend more money staffing your processing centres and less money on promotions! I believe i speak for the customer when i say that having my call answered on time, having my card delivered faster beats the cheap digital radio clock ($22.50) i'll get for signing up. Protect the UOB brand don't let it get cheapened. Where the hell is our Service Pledge!

3. This is a minor grievance but please provide our CSRS with better tools to manage calls. An excel spreadsheet that likes to eat the last digit of your credit card number and a stupid workaround hardly cuts it. Get with the program! Its damm easy to commision a software company to create a program that can automatically record the time of call, have a preset list of actions to assign to each call (like waiver of membership fees), preset reminders and flag cases that have yet to be followed up. CRM is only one part of the call centre package.

4. KMS - its unwieldy. Information is decentralised and there are a LOT of outdated documents. A major cleanup and overhaul is necessary. I would recommend a wiki solution with limited editing access. Again get with the program.

5. Other call centres practice a casual dress code. Why can't we?

6. Singapore has 4 official languages. Why is there only 1 language other than english.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ta da!

Granted they let me have my diginity by not making it like some of the shamings you see on the web. And i thaank them for that. this was taken after a teq pop, teq neat, bourbon coke and like 2 beers. yes i'm that weak.

edit: now with more pictures

In-drive entertainment, catered meals a massage chair with plenty of leg room - thats da shitz right there.

Me and ma homeboy before the show.

And as for the main event itself...sorry no pictures. i left early due to said physical impairment that prevented me from dancing. oh wells.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

i'm back and alive in one piece hurrah!

And yes i did get drunk. And yes i puked my stomach out. And yes i took pictures (or rather someone took them for me)

But for now a political quiz. - because there's more than just left or right.

my score - liberatarian.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

i leave for kl.

i hope i don't die in a freak bus accident. if i do please bury my dvd collection with me (find me a burial plot i don't care) . My last words will be..." you gotta be f**king kidding me." Oh and you know i love you guys. (just make sure it gets done kay.)

this blog should be renamed morbid disharmony.

Monday, April 23, 2007

eh just came back from medical checkup..not surprising i'm shorter and lighter than i thought i was. oh well. and the doctor gave me a lecture on smoking, but otherwise left me to my own devices. no dick examination, no blood test, no ekg. which was a tad dissapointing. oh and i got some msn from some dude after completing his survey. would still rather take a free gift.

had some fun with my sisters inhaling helium from a balloon i brought back from zouk's 16th anniversary. "lonely i'm so lonely i need somebody to call my ownnnnn......." Did i mention it was a riot? free food and drinks till 11, they gave away a car and for the first time in a long while..there were actual queues out there

there's this girl at work who does crazy shit which never fails to amaze ppl (in a bad way) and almost got fired for doing sth wrong recently. And for some reason i can't seem to stop making fun of her actions however she makes me feel bad by saying i'm nice to her...and in a way i'm putting her down to "bring myself up". she just doesn't see it that way. so i resolve to stop being a bully. you heard it here first.

Friday, April 20, 2007

reminding us that sometimes...we really do live in a fish tank.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

i have refrained from whining about work here..because if i do there won't be an end. and its not like you all can understand anyway.

but there was this one case here today. on which i feel i must share. i got berated for 1 hour, had to promise a callback tmr to get berated again...because this customer had an oustanding amount of 4.96 on her card when she went to cancel it. she claimed she never received her card. never used it. had to trace the amount to last year. and when i went thru all the trouble to retrieve the statements... i found out that she had actually paid for her card membership fee for this card which she did not get. thing is she paid less...4.96.

spend an hour arguing that by paying that amount she acknowledge she did receive this card. and that was over a year ago. why did she not cancel the bloody card then! i mean this amount was quite big..140+. yet they happily paid this amount and now they want to argue over the bloody $4.96. i can understand principle...but going by that i can also refuse to raise for her a waiver simply because its been a year and by actually paying she acknowledged this card's existence.

did i mention how stupid i think line of credits ah? who came up with the brilliant idea to extend non-existent cash to idiots??!??! never heard of saving for it? few people use it like its meant to be accumulate your bills, pay it off at the end of the month start the next month anew. yet so many accounts i look at..people are just getting by on minimum payments. perhaps they think when they die this amount will just dissappear. which is true..but by then they would have paid off many times the original amount.

oh and never ever sign up for a uob credit card. they have the largest installed base..but they spend all that money on promotions. and roadshows. and less on where it matters most....the backend processing. they have a team of 10 people analysing the 1000 cards they receive per day. their customer service is housed in 2 floors. you can wait up to a month for your card to be issued. I have worked in 2 departments and it has all been the same...overworked staff. not that i'm overworked. but i have heard plenty of horror stories from customers...

Friday, April 13, 2007

i realise a large part of both my jobs requires me to interact with people when my preference lies in the exact opposite. i also understand that i was well aware of that fact and that somehow i managed to trap myself in this situation to hopefully rewire my brain somewat. it has succeeded to a certain extent but not a day goes by where i wonder what i have gotten myself into...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Looks like its up to me to provide my own entertainment :)

I present to you kate walsh. A singer in the vein of cheer chan and penny dai (i'm at a loss to find english singers that sing like m2m marit larsen?) her album is only availiable on itunes and myspace but shes quickly gathering a strong following :) Listening to her conjures up images of sitting in a bus staring out of the window on a rainy day, lying in the middle of grass patch as the wind gently caresses the surrounding hills, so on and so forth..

kate walsh - firew...

Friday, April 06, 2007

i need new songs. recommendations?

preferences are folksy pop. acoustic blues or alternative.

a small sample of what i'm digging now.

The Sounds - Rock ...

and in case your wondering why i'm posting so much...well this is the thing that relaxes me. this week i'm working wed thur friday sat zouk and wed thur sat day job. as soon as i look at the schedule all i can say is ..whoa.
i think i like my new job.

why? cos it feels like a game to me. more specifically an rpg.

every call i get, can be classified into two categories...sidequests and story objectives.

now sidequests are your simple run of the mill collect 200 pass go/collect this/kill that kinda thing...they form the bread and butter of your job right. they are the ones that quite literally put the money in that brand new set of jeans you bought. simple things like "how many points do i have" or "can you help me check my credit balance" or " i want to cancel my card". They form the bulk of calls that come in and usually they are quite simple and easy to accomplish. (unless they require humongous followup - in which case they get upgraded to sidequest - insane difficulty. like defeating ultima weapon in ff7.)

now story objectives are where things get interesting. sometimes a customer will call in and ask where is the card he was promised 2 weeks ago when he sent in the application form. and then you search the system and nothing is there. so you go "oh holy fucktard" and you shit your pants. and then you go fight that humongous monster that is part corporate redtape and part human error that results in this app not showing the system. sometimes there's a quest timer involved during which if you don't kill the monster by today you have to fight all the trash mobs because they have respawned again. hopefully when you defeat the monster he drops some sweet loot which will make the customer happy. or at least some crappy gear to give back to the questgiver. and whatever you give back to the customer...sometimes he gets angry and tag teams with the monster in which case it levels up and becomes this huge freaking dragon with an aoe fire breath that can summon whelplings. in which case you press the button and escalate to your manager - the lvl 60 dude decked with purples and hope for the best.

i get immense satisfaction from looking at my quest log at the end of the day and seeing how many objectives i have met and that alone makes it much better than my prev job because each quest completed means you gain experience and money. and hopefully at the end of the day you manage to level up. of course in a few months time i might hit the level cap and everything will just seem like a grind fest to me...even the gigantic boss monsters might be on farm status. and then it'll become a case of been there and done that. and then i'll quit the game and say thats that.

but for now i'm just enjoying this game that i bought :)
- personal grouse...the colors look ugly.

Is it that you are working - or even playing - too hard? Because it would seem that you are experiencing a great deal of pent-up emotion at this time which could possibly take effect and lead to irrational behaviour. ( i thrive and feast on irrational behaviour)

You are a very warm and emotional individual but unfortunately in the past too many people have taken advantage of this sensitive trait. You need aesthetic surroundings, or an equally sensitive and understanding partner with whom to share a warm understanding. (warm, hot, sweaty and sticky understanding yea....)

All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favourite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax. (you don't wanna know what it is...)

Stresses resulting from a recent disappointment have led to considerable trepidation. It would seem that there seems to be so much left undone. Everything surrounds you with that air of uncertainty. You badly need to feel a sense of security and whatever it takes to protect you against further disappointment. At this particular time you doubt that things could be any better in the future but you are sticking to your guns and refusing to take advice from any source. (this i don't get. i don't feel particularly dissapointed.)

At this time you don't particularly like yourself. Everything that you have tried to do seems to have gone wrong. This makes you feel that there is no point in trying to start again. Apart from being stressed and tense, you are angry with yourself and have unadmitted self-contempt. Your refusal to admit that you and you alone is the basic cause of your problems leads to you adopting a headstrong and defiant attitude. If you take stock of yourself, smile a little and let go, everything will turn out OK. Have you not heard of the cliche 'smile and the world smiles with you - cry and you cry alone!'? ( this part makes me want to buy a gun and shoot myself...if it were true)

this may have been a tad more accurate...if i didn't randomly pick colors after choosing the black blue and red..
hmm so its better than your avg horoscope. fun? yea.

Monday, April 02, 2007

On an unrelated note...i have discovered my fondness/propensity to spend money.

you people are so lucky.
I should be studying.

Instead i'm surfing the web strengthening my belief in my new religion - THE INVISIBLE PINK UNICORN.

For more reading on the parody religions Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Invinsible Pink Unicorn go here and here Both of them illustrate the point that it is simply ridiculous for the onus to be on the sceptic to prove that God doesn't exist...because both these parody religions have an equal claim to legitimacy as any religion which calls you to believe in a god which cannot be seen. this of course reverses my earlier view that because i cannot prove that god doesn't exist, i won't question other's people's belief.

I used to have a certain admiration for the ignorant faithful because i could never be so steadfast in my beliefs (which i believe is somewhat linked to my very diminished sense of self-esteem which was inherited itself from a very dysfunctional childhood). But now i realise how absurd they all sound. And i realise its akin to admiring the boy who lives in his mother's basement(ok i know we don't have basements). They walk the line their parents inculcated in them never veering from the path that was set out for them and ultimately living a boring and closeted existence.

I believe i can be as morally upright as them without having to live in fear/dependence of a god whose moral system dictates their own. I believe that only through then can i really know what it is to be kind and how to appreciate kindness. I believe that i don't need to live my life through a third party.

And in that way i'm stronger than them.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

i'm alive ! but barely though.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

please for god sakes if you can only afford to make minimum payments on your 6k credit balance...don't try to put that plasma tv on installment. or go for that holiday. or do one of the many things that can potentially screw you up.

if i had any semblance of moral authority i would refuse half of the transactions i just approved today because i fore see that a few years down the road...this guy that has been making miniumum gonna find himself so broke he won't be able to eat and then your gonna have to sue his pants off to recover the debt. but nooo the bank wants to earn money yes sir we will improve you temporary increase in credit limit just make sure to keep sending money to us mmkay??

used right a credit card is a very powerful tool..just ask any one of the bank staff who use their cards with due diligence. they know where the bank makes money from and they won't let it earn it.

so boys and girls leasson learned always pay off your current balance, don't revolve debt and make payment by the due date to avoid late charges. or else your gonna make Mr Wee a very happy (and rich) man.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Irony is a nightclub manager telling his nightclub staff the dangers of clubbing and the precautions to take when going on a clubbing event - the company's tri-annual D & D

Friday, March 16, 2007

blog on hiatus for a while.

this needs to be said so that over the next week or so i'll post a metric buttload of posts. otherwise i won't move my lazy ass 15 inches from the tv.

i have a new job that starts monday with what seems to be genuinely nice colleagues. You know...those my AGE. New job new environment. New grievances.

Getting the hang of working in zouk. I even know enough to recommend some drinks.

Those looking for a high

Flaming Lamborginni (sp?) - a layered drink with base kahlua, gallantino and a layer of brandy on top. The brandy is set on fire and the drink is sipped with a straw to avoid burning your lips. When its nearly finished the flames are doused with milk. Be warned takes a while to take effect
during this time customers like to make the mistake of ordering another one thinking it isn't strong. IT IS STRONG.

Sambuca - This comes in a shot which can be drunk in several different way. Tastes like peppermint liquer. The shot is poured into the mouth upon which the drinker gurgles it for a while, then his buddy lights it up while the liquer is still in his mouth. Not very strong...but it has to be tried once. The other method is similar to flaming lambo...but no milk.

Graveyard - A concoction of 6 types of alcohol. With guiness stout. Guranteed to send you to the grave. Haven't tried yet :)

Lady's Drinks

Pussyfoot - Fruit punch with milk. Yummy. Non-alcholic

Bailey's Cream with anything - Baileys is a type of coffee liquer thats very sweet. Goes esp well with milk.

Drinks you can't go wrong with

Vodka with anything - Vodka is colorless odorless and supposedly tasteless. So if you mix it with lets say will just taste like alcholic ribena. No nasty aftertaste. No unwanted side effects. Esp popular vodka orange. Also known as "screwdriver"

Sex on the beach - nuff said

Lychee martini - boringg.

I have also done my finances and have calculated that i can't afford a dorm. On the other i can afford a lot of other things :)

edit: Its a freaking butt plug.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Changed my blog title cos it absolutely the state of mind i'm in right now.


And of course the obligatory theme song of the day.

Had my first lesbian theme night at zouk. It was quite fierce really. They had this runway show with a couple of models in lingerie (ever had those moments where your looking at a word and it looks funny? Like the spelling is off? Well lingerie is looking funny to me right now...) spanking each other with dildos. and then i was shuffled off to inside baggage with only the stadium to look at. What a boor.

Some couples looked really sweet though. Not sweet as in hot but like they looked really cute and happy together. Huh i guess its all about finding the person who fits you.

But the thing that triggered this bittersweet spell isn't actually girls kissing girls..but nostalgia. nostalgia's a real bitch you know that. Words can't describe the technicolor experience that has been playing in my head. So just play the damm song and think of the things that make you sad and lonely.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Eh i love post CNY - sales... picked up 2 shirts and a jacket from S n K for 35 such a steal..also splurged on marks and spencer candy and i got my ears pierced! so this is how it feels like to be penetrated...painful.

Job hunt didn't turn out so well today...didn't get a good vibe from the interviewers. One of them gave me this look when i told her i wanted at least 6.50 an hour. Can almost imagine her saying (you look like more of a 6 to me). Why can my frens get 7 and not me???? The proof is in the pudding I technically have 4 agents scouring jobs for me and so far no calls. bleh.

That leaves me with more time to watch movies than i can shake a stick at. Watched Last King of Scotland, Shortbus, Casino Royale. And all i can feel like saying is..they are all very good.

Sometimes though it feels like i'm living my life vicariously through them (them in this case extending to music/games/visual enternainment). feels like i'm looking from the outside at all these people with like these broad range of emotions and experiences that i can only try to grasp at. What makes me different from an average soap opera fan hmm? Or for that matter what makes you different hmm? if we are but content to stay within our narrow scope of vision we'll have nary anything to call our our life as a composite shadow of others.

I don't have the strength to do what i believe must be done.never have. someday i hope that will change though. and when that day comes my bags wil be packed.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lookey what i found!


tk you may winnar the intarweb...but i am just mind blowing-ly fucking awesome.

So my replacement came in, shes been here for a while actually. I feel damm sad for her really...27 and juggling 6 dollar an hour temp jobs. And she has a degree in chemical engineering!

that being said there are a lot of sad things in my i think i'm just gonna go curl up in a fetal postion and cry for 2 days.
Due to some oversight on my part i have just been prematurely retrenched. By 2 whole days! Aww..thats like a hundred dollars gone.

They say you won't know how to treasure what you lost till you lose it. And in a way i have been so busy with overtime and extra jobs and lessons that the prospect of two whole days offs...i gladly welcome with outstretched arms. Of course if it stretches itself into next week..hmm not so good.

Watched The Departed over the weekend and on a whim decided to download Infernal Affairs to watch again. Same weekend that The Departed won Oscars for. Undoubtedly its a good movie..but it is a remake. So whats the deal with the honours eh? Whats more...its a scene by scene remake of an already good movie...imo the better one. Thats like giving song of the year to a cover...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Picked this up on the web. Strictly for the guys.
Keep your answer to yourself i don't wanna know it lol.

Friday, February 23, 2007

i wanted a hug.

you owe me one and i'll collect someday.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ah fuck sorry for dissappearing fron the radar for so long...

well the first fruits of my labour have come in...800 in 2 weeks...not bad hehe. 300 will no doubt dissappear under dubious circumstances but i'll make do with 500 :) so thats like 3 months to bracers?

ah yes.. CNY. Now lets make one thing clear...I don't consider myself chinese. not that i'm a bigot or against my own race or anything..but its hard to consider yourself chinese when you aren't familiar with its customs, traditions, history or language. And i suspect my family feels the same way. So we make do with our own adapted version. Our reunion dinner this year was a seafood bbq with stale seafood :) Past years we had steamboat and teppanyaki.

When it comes to visiting our family is "that anti-social kid". We visit only immediate relatives and stop there. And we go about doing that in 60's inspired garb. I predict when my generation takes over the tan family...we might stop visiting all together :)

Zouk was a real killer, worked 4 days thruout the cny weekend. My throat is too are my lungs i think. So glad for the break now...Got a nice 40 dollar angpow bonus from the company though and tips came in so .. ka-ching :) DJs over the weekend FATMAN SNOOP who came late...spun for an hour...then dissappeared. What was really good though was Agnelli & Nelson who dropped by on monday...really good trance music. Attracted a fair bit of ravers with lightsticks. Too bad the crowd wasn't up to par.

JAP Lessons have started but i'm having a bit'ol difficulty finding time to study but i really think thats just an excuse because if i stop watching so many damm movies and english dramas i'll have more than enough time.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


For what its worth...its still just a company looking to make the bottom line work.

It worries when theres a less than capacity crowd. It worries when new clubs open.

It struggles to find employment. It loses people on a daily basis and has to resort to recruiting noobs like me.

Its not a very fun place to work. When the crowd is breathe a sigh of relief..cos all you have to do is pick up after the stoners. You get to take a good look at the pretty people.

But when things get rough as they tend to do sometimes...things can get screwy.

One of those days was yesterday. voided two receipts..gave the bottle card back to the customer. very sad.

FNB doesn't come to me naturally. I'm the kinda guy who sees a candle nearly going out..blows the old one out...takes out a new candle..realises hes should have lit the new one with the flame of the old one...lits the new one anyway...and then proceeds to do the same thing at the next table. Now why can't the neurological pathways that do that run along the same ones that allow me to analyse overarching concepts with exacting detail.

Bah i think i just need practice.

Sometimes the people make it worthwhile. There were these 2 girls who appeared while i was doing baggage. Lights were very bright..could see they were def very pretty. Started talking to each other in a language i couldn't understand...but i caught jap like syllables. "nihon-jin?" i ventured. "Nono..korean." "<...>Arrasou" Heart skipped a beat. Made my day hmmm..baggage and korean girls..def one of the better days.

Will talk about the people someday. Save it for a rainy day. Too many to talk about. Since i'm already on the topic of beautiful girls though...

Its a rare one that makes you look twice once your inside. The smoke and fog, the darkness..everyone looks pretty much the same. Once in a blue moon though.. a girl walks by that catches all the guys attention. tall..model type, conventionally pretty. Looks like no one can touch her...(by the end of the evening though usually a lot do). Why do i make special mention of them even though they are so conventionally beautiful? Cos its one thing to see them on tv..its another thing to see them in person. And i can honestly say in my limited experience..i have never seen them such upclose before. They must keep them in some warehouse during the day.
Verbal diarrohea(sp?). Get ready for it.

So for anyone who doesn't know yet i have picked up a job at zouk. And i have also been working OT for the past 2 weeks. In that time i have clocked a grand total of 141 hours of work. Which should bring me a big fat cash hongbao of 900+. Haven't deducted cpf yet. god i hate cpf. I mean its completely useless for a person who wants to commit suicide before hes 60. Its discriminating against me! More on zouk later.

I'm doing this purely for the money. Now i know what your does not gurantee you happiness. I think thats a load of hogwash designed by the bourgeoisie elites to keep the proletariat happy. I haven't met one single rich guy who wasn't well adjusted. If you have certainly, absolutely have one less thing to worry about. No? Kinda understand how girls go straight for the rich expats/old men. Seems so fucking easy than dealing with all this shit. Hell just fake a few orgasms till the fucker croaks..or better still nail him with the pre-nup.

Simmering tensions in the house erupted again. I think it all started when my mom didn't like my new job. not that i particularly care though. for some reason the shop came up again only thing is there has been a new development. My dad has realised the futility of working in a shop that can't pay its own bills. (ok to be fair theres a bit of house expenses in there). My mother on the other hand is "convinced" that the time is not right to give it up yet. I have been waiting for 4 years.

She seems convinced a miracle will happen. She says god says its not the time yet. Now i always had a healthy respect for god. I'm not a pure atheist. Because i can't prove that god doesn't exist. And those people who think they in their limited capacity of mind know absolutely better....are fools. The only truth is what you believe in. But for what you have done to my mother..pseudo being that you are. I denounce you. Thats like the most cardinal of cardinal sins. I refuse to acknowledge your presence cause you have reduced my mother to a mere pittance...a desperate person who can't form opinions for herself. There goes my salvation.

Now you may think this reaction extreme. think that i'm still far from the cliff. i'm not begging for money on the streets yet. And if you go to my house you will see that i have 2 computers, 2 tvs, 2 fridges. except for the fridges though..none of them have been bought in the last 5 years. The 2 computers, one is from the starhub tie-in from a year ago, the other from the PREV one 3 years ago. The big tv is spoilt. So is the heater. The fridge is chock full of preparatory ingredients. Sometimes you can find milk. Lots of drinks though. Instant stuff like hash browns. Hard pressed to find anything else (like MEAT). I have no idea how to pay for my education other than taking a big fat loan. My parents cpf is depleted(naturally seeing as to how they are self-employed) and theres still 10 years on the mortgage.

The cliff doesn't look too far for me.

Certainly i believe there are so many things that money can buy. Thats why i work as hard as i do. And i can always rest in UNI. Not stupid though..looking to upgrade my day job to something higher paying. People keep saying they want to quit their job even though its much better paying because its stressful. I eat stress for dinner. You will be surprised how much you can take.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Flying low under the radar for a while.

"Take care of things topside" - the guy from ffx-2

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i hate it i hate it i hate it...

i hate how my writing has gone down the drain...

i hate how i can't recognise complex words

i hate how my writing comes out in spurts instead of flowing like the free spirited beast it once was.

And most of all i hate how cheesy it has become.

Friday, January 26, 2007

So yesterday i watched "An Inconvenient truth"..

I know i'm a little way behind the rest of the developed world...hey i couldn't download much with stupid WoW running in the background okay.

Is it sick of me to find this film thats based on a slideshow on climate change..the most touching film i have seen in the past year? there's something wrong right?

and yet i couldn't help but feel for this man who spent the better part of his life on a one man crusade to save the environment by giving the same presentation a thousand times over...this ex vice-president who lost his one good chance to steer the world clear of disaster when he lost to the hick that is the current U.S president..i mean this film is really really sad

Also watched "Borat". which quite frankly was a little dissapointing. Now this "borat" fella.. his modus operandi (sp?) is to appear as a boorish and crude foreign reporter, goad his unsuspecting "interviewee" into making comments that they wouldn't have said in any other circumstance. thus revealing their true bigoted/racist/prejudiced self. At least thats what he does on the Ali G show...

but in this film...the majority of reactions are well...normal. I mean the people on this film handled it pretty well. most of the humour comes from sascha acting like a dick. which quite frankly makes it no different from any film starring jack black. Except its supposedly "real". (some scenes were staged) i mean come on america is the land of white supremacists, religious fanatics, scientologists and bush ...and all the best you could do was interview drunk frat boys and feminists? And they couldn't even say anything funny...

Its still worth a watch. Not worth money though ..not at that length..

Stil have A Scanner Darkly and March of the Penguins. hmm .. *glomps*

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

went to Boon Kian's 21st birthday "gathering" (he doesn't want to call it a party) on sunday. The place was swarmed with people...we had to go in batches to take a photo with the birthday boy and the cake. There was easily 80 people there i believe.. Most i never met before..some i haven't seen in 5 years. My social capacity can only take so much...

saw Her there. She still hasn't realised that shes actually secretly deeply in love with me. I'm getting impatient... *tap* *tap* Secondary school...sigh stuff. Miss it sometimes.

hmm lots of time to plan for my 21st birthday

some short and fat woman grinded me with her fat boobs on the bus today. go away fat people i don't like yous all.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I came across this photoshop technique today that's fucking easy to duplicate...and produces great results. Works best on raw portrait pictures with high detail and good lighting.

This is a picture i chose to work(in the loosest sense of the work) on a high definition mag scan of a natalie portman photoshoot.

The next photo is after 1 min of editing.

How to do this trick? You start off with a picture in photoshop, duplicate the background layer.

On this 2nd layer you apply a gaussian blur. The amount that needs to be applied relies on the amount of detail. ideally it should be around 10-20. Any more and the effect becomes overly magnified.You should still be able make out the general outline of the object. Go to blending options on the second layer and select overlay. voila.

Other generally good modes to try out include solf light. Which replicates the mood of a 90's soap drama. Like Days Of Our Lifes or something. Hard light is well..harsh. Vivid light gives the feel of an acid trip. So in my opinion overlay is stil best :)

I replicated this on a photography of the recent s1a board games outing. source image is very good coming from a 3 megapixel camera that wasn't my own :) its a tad...bland though.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

So i was on autopilot in the office as usual (be glad i don't handle important stuff) when i spot something wierd. Not sure what to make of it in my self-induced dream state i took pictures :)

Hmm this warrants a closer can just make out something...

Hmm almost there just needs a bit of fine-tuning....the edges need to be sharpened a bit, clear off abit of the grain...

IS THAT YOU JESUS?????????????????????????????????????????????

Beh. I need a job that doesn't make me feel like i'm geting butt-raped each day

And the HAIR is giving me problems it won't grow as i tell it to. It gets in my ears pokes my eye...just be patient a while longer my preciousss.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

End of an era

On January 10 2007..i ended my love affair with the game known as World Of Warcrack

It was only a question of when i was gonna quit..i had planned on quitting when uni started, but having to buy the new expansion, and train to lvl 70 again to experience "end-game again"...just didnt' make sense to me.

Why i loved the game

I picked up the game at a low point in my life. I had already resigned myself to seeing my 2 years of army life as a craptacular waste of time. Silly i know. Many people have done a lot more with much lesser. I wasn't that kinda person though. So i thought i could fill it up with something fun.

And fun it was. Much has been said about how addictive the game is, i guess i don't need to elaborate further. Morever I had the joy of being inducted in a guild with clearly defined goals, a clear sense of direction of where it was headed and a great group of people to play with. I was made the druid honcho, they didn't have a choice really LOL. Quickly we became the horde side PVP guild to beat all the way to level 60...but then being one of the younger and more outgeared guilds we switched quickly to PVE. We surpassed guilds that had been there for far longer..and in the long run we proved that we were the strongest guild to emerge, sticking together relatively drama free while other guilds crashed/burned/merged. And we did it while having fun. But all that accomplisment came at a price.

Why i'm quitting.

I came to the realisation that every hour i put into these little avatars, these little offshoots of mine, accomplishing their goals and objectives, was one less hour for me to achieve my own goals and objectives for the real life living and breathing me.

These pictures illustrate the amount of time i put into 2 of my most played characters, Kiliah and Konno. Total time played 54 day 13 hours. not counting the time spent also on misc characters. Thats not 54 days including sleeping like in your regular day thats 54 days purely spent in front of the computer. Thats slightly over 1300 hours. Pretty sure entire diplomas have been build around the same amout of time in coursework.
So thats it i guess. Time to move forward. On to bigger and better things.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Then he spontaneously reaches out to stroke a furry pink cat sewn on my blouse
and exclaims in sing-song, dulcet tones which have a hint of a British accent
about them: 'Oh, you've got a little kitty, how cute!'

The two-hour
interview with him is a somewhat bizarre combination of making small talk with a
gracious society hostess over tea, swapping gossip with a girlfriend and
attending like an office-girl to a snobby boss.

The last comes about
when, at one point during our chat, he asks dramatically - like a woman fighting
back collapse - for water because 'Oh, Clah-rah, I'm so very thirsty'.

- guess who. An absolute 10 on the gaydar meter! A true example of nuture vs nature...poor kid read Chinese fashion novels and his mother's Her World magazines. HER WORLD!!!

to the person who should know who you are and the slightest remotest chance you read this:

Stop throwing a hissy fit. Your 20 for goodness sakes act like it (21 for all i know)...

i read the chat logs you were wrong you misunderstood

how dare you come around and cast aspersions on us

maybe thats how you managed to piss people off...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Was in a Panadol Induced Stupor for monday and tuesday ...high fever body aches, you feel your body radiating heat and its all chilly...breaking out in cold sweat throughout the night and you can't sleep..not a very good feeling.

Managed to watch 10 episodes of prison break...was pretty good. thought the main actor was a bit retarded. Until they revealed that the character had a disorder : Low Latent Inhibition Which sorta make him psycho in a creative genius kinda way. Which makes the actor really really good..

I'm also locking myself up at home now for my own good.

Monday, January 08, 2007

i don't ask for much. just lots and lots of hugs. and sex. and cuddles after sex. and someone to talk to at night. and someone to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner with. and someone who understands my little eccencitries and not only isn't put off by them but is actually attracted to them. Mostly though i just want someone to cuddle with.
Signed up for a jap elementary 1 main worry is not whether the class will be good or whether i have the money to continue it in future. I like japanese culture and i wanna be able to read it, but lets face it...between tuition fees, and things like electricity bills... somethings gotta give. And i have the feeling the victim will be the "lets make good understand of each other!" course. Ah but why worry now about stuff in the future when you have things to worry about now =P.

My enthusiasm for outings has now waned. They aren't a good way at all of nurturing relationships. They are good for making sure you don't forget the other persons faces. And they drain money. Sometimes though when the other persons spends a good part of the time overseas its all you can do i guess.

I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication it's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all

Hm shouldn't it be the other way around??

Sunday, January 07, 2007

From Top : Arab street, Marina Bay bbq, Singapore Skyline from Mount Faber, Cloudy White Balance + Light Reflection = Nice Sepia Effect, Our Nicely Packed Bikes, Vivocity At Night, The Gothenberg.

So these pictures are from the rest of the outings i had. Thats about 300/400 plus wiped out in less than 2 weeks. Kinda freaky. Most of the money went to little stuff like lunch/dinner/transport rather then let say ..big ticket items. And everybody knows how hard it is to give a shit about the little stuff..

Went a bit crazy with the photo-taking. I did learn several things though. If your going to take photos, do it quickly. Take many at a time. Play with the white balance. Don't use flash (It makes for lousy printouts but its great for web/thumbnails).

So from top: Jr, TK Me, Ame Becky and Yiling went to the hip district of Arab Street. Which in reality is just another tourist trap. Along the way though we spotted this purple colored building with a matching purple colored van! Groovy.. had bryani for lunch and played Munchkin! after at MOS while drinking milk, milk tea and milkshakes. Hey if the place doesn't deliver make your own entertainment right?

Eh second picture is that of a marina bay bbq/steamboat with ORD personnel. They are all also very very gay.

Final series is of a night bike trail with sec npcc guys. From east coast --> esplanade--> st james --> mount faber--> sentosa --> palawan beach --> sentosa --> vivocity --> geylang (for food for food!)---> and back to east coast. Singapore looks beautiful at night. Its also a aweful waste of electricity =P. i never really undestood the allure of secluded places like mount faber and misc beaches and carparks for assorted stages of love making...but i must say if you own a car..more power to you! Mount faber was a whore to climb (with bike) and we ended up all sweaty and bitchy but once we reached the top ..hey it wasn't so bad. Theres just something about looking down on singapore with a nice chilly breeze caressing your face amid a zen like tree on top of hill atmosphere and warm soft light shining from below...that really wants to make you fuck like bunnies. hur hur hur. Really nice place to be though. Thats why i love the night. Totally different atmosphere from oh lets say..the day? hard to convey in words..hope the pictures do it justice. They are very yellowey i know..on purpose wan.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

oh hoho : " You fall in love at the drop of a hat..." thats certainly true

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Top : beverley morata of singapore idol fame performing in the band "SYRA"
Bottom : my jubei guild mate david's gf "moochelle" holding an apple martini
Sunday woke up rushed home was out of the house double quick time to meet the class guys at PS for lunch at 12. We started eatin at 2 lol. For some reason i don't have photos, and i can't remember why. I was quite trigger happy these few days. We ended up playing dota and countersrike. I suck i know..only racked up kills when i was using sniper. still not bad lol, i last played the game at 6.20 against A.I
And now to the meat of this post... the countdown party! It was held at Shangri-la Orchard..which i must say is a very uloo place.. tickets were at 80 apiece. Which i must say i bought only becos i was assured that there were ppl going and also cos i was wanted a glimpse of how the elite in singapore were doing :) Otherwise i would have settled for an ordinary beach party or some club..
Well so yea entertainment was provided courtesy of guest DJ glenn ong who to my surprise provided very little commentary none of them particularly witty But all was forgiven when he brought his hawt wife onstage to dance onstage with another hawt girl who i did not recognise. Way to save your own ass buddy. Live band "SYRA" provided a mix of comtemporary favourites and feel good funky tunes, which was fronted by lead singer beverly morata. And boy can the girl move. Long before the dance floor was packed shes was dancing onstage to her own tune never missing a tune. Must have taken a lot of practice cos if she's a natural..she deserves a lot better than where she is now.
Girl in photo is michelle who i hope does not mind me publishing her photo lol. I really have no others...could have sworn i had more. My chances of getting photos from the rest are almost nil though, i'm still waiting on the holland V ones. Anyway yes thats what they provided..some lame feather cap. The guy version was a sparkly wide rim cowboy hat. Which went well with what most of my group wore, a black jacket over a shirt.
The SPGS were out in full force tonight. From what i could see 50 percent of the couples were of the hot asian girl with not very hot caucasian guy type. To each her own i guess. i used to think very badly of them, but now i can see why they choose this path. I dont' believe its for money even...its just that not so hot cacausian guy speaks well, understands them, and hey is generally better than the lot that they can get local.
Survived a half glass of whisky a martini and a cocktail..which really surprised me :) Came home after 2 days..crashed. My schedule didnt't allow me to burn yet though cos theres still...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Top - What better way to digest 40 dolars worth of food consumed in a time span of 2 hour then a hard level sudoku puzzle? 4 people done in 7 mins
Middle - kt and thong
Bottom - umm..forgot to take the food before it was here it is after
me jun and kt took thong out for lunch at kunshin bo. Nice japanese buffet at the regular price of 19.80. At 33.20(new year's special price!) though...not so hehehehe. We had sushi, cold soba noodles, teppanyaki, teriyaki sticks and a hot plate, and also ate a fuckload of chawanmushi and barbecued stuff. i feel like going there again..any takers?
After that crashed jun's house, watched NODAME till late. best jdrama this year, considering that goong the k drama is reigning supreme right now and there's not much competition from japanese dramas which brings me to ...


Watched curse of the golden flower. Highly recommended. Zhang Yi mou is an expert at combining the best of hollywood and chinese sword fighting flicks even if that combination doesn't always work so well. For example i loathed Crounching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , finding it to be bland. Here however he uses the source material to great effect, creating opulent sets worthy even of the most radical interpretations. Noteworthy too was the script; itself engaging and lucid, one of my favourite lines being "wo yao bi ni shi" ( i want to force you to die) as said by the empress. No doubt it will win lots of awards but i can't help feeling as if it was made for hollywood. the imagery was grand, colorful and gratuitous but it hardly left a longing impression. The film held you through every twist and development and in that sense i wished there were more to it, more for the viewer to find. Rather than what it is , a grand and epic film that under the hood is really very simple, even if it is enjoyable.

something happened after that left an unplesant aftertaste. even if i did aggravate it. but i guess its just the way i'm wired to behave. the matter got bured so thats it i guess..


Top: me and shi-fu. glomps shi-fu! Unfortunately she speaks english as well as i do chinese.
Bottom: my colleagues at work on their best dressed day.

So thursday was my work place's dinner and dance which basically translates to a buffett dinner lots of oldie music and absolutely no dancing watsoever. yes there were performances and a lucky draw...but i didn't win anything so it sucked.
Since i didnt have anything to wear my colleagues and i headed out to vivo to look for something retro to wear.. grabbed the golf cap at hob-nob and the shirt at esprit. Which i love. A lot. For stocking the first slim fit S-size male polo t-shirt i have ever seen. So i grabbed it ..and what do you know when i asked for one not from the shelf i was told it was the only one they had. Huh.
damm you esprit. for being so expensive.

Monday, January 01, 2007

This is the scandalous picture

been a really busy week for also now broke..ah the price to pay for fun.

the madness started on christmas eve, spent it with hc revat and laura ....their appearances have all changed so much cept laura, wats funny is that on the flip side revat and hc's personalites seem the same, while laura's seems to have deviated? can't find the right word
anyway went tcc nice milkshake.. went lau pa sat for food, went to a morrocan pub with indian music and had a drink , walked a fair bit, ended up the night on the beach talking.

christmas day spent lazing around emo-ing, then hopped off to see death note 2. Like the ending better than the manga, would have been worth the money if the projectionist didn't screw up and reeled in the wrong part of the film, we ended up watching the climax b4 the build up, luckily the ending was left intact.

took half day off on 26th, went to celb thongs with becky and ame birthday.. had a nice japanese lunch..

wednesday was the only free day i had....and the internet had to be down! i have this habit of opening digg and selecting links to open tabs with... and after the 15th or so tab i realised something was very wrong, wat a waste of a good day..

oops gotta run brb tmr.